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(1 edit) (+9)

no need to play i already know its a banger cuz all her games are a banger🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥





This game was okay, i love this studio, ive followed them since the very start of them making games. However the last 2 games just havent been as good as their others. What was the point? The game explains nothing. Who is she? what was the phenomenon causing them to go into the water? Making all them go crazy? The characters and art were 10/10 as always. But it needs to be more clear in what they were doing.Its like it set it all up for nothing, and i was very dissapointed. The gameplay was also very lackluster and seemed rushed. Get yo stuff together Investagrave, i love you guys but comon


I think the whole point of the ending is to leave up to the players to interpretant what happened in the end, use their own theory on what happened, leave the endings to their own imagination, and what we come up with may be what happened but who knows really, honestly, despite the ending, i love the game


its up to interpretation, some think that this might be about toxic friends where the mc has to choose if she wants to stay with her toxic friends (to drown) or to leave them behind. others see that there may have been a friend (the characters always mention ,her' no name no nothing) that passed away before the mc came into the friend group and all her friends are coping in odd ways like that one character who hates sea food but our mc sees her eating sea food which is unlike her. you must like direct endings and not open ones but that doesnt mean that its a bad game.

wow. i absolutely love every game you make! i like how we have an open ending and barely know anything. We can make lots of theories about characters this way. Hope this will have continuation though! Really curious to find out more about it. (i hope there will be continuation.. if not.. well, it's good still, just a bit upsetting)


WOW DAMN THIS DAMN HIT ME honestly this is probably my favorite games out of them idk why but i got too attached to the characters in this one. loved Ryan and June and the whole plot of this one yum

(1 edit) (+4)

Smth panged in me, when I realized that wasn't vonnie. She doesn't like seafood. And the ending got me off the edge, where did we go? How do we get them back? Who is she? 

Not a bad game, just a twisted plot. 


I had a lot of fun playing Rot in Paradise, thank you for making it!

I don't know if my interpretation of the game is right, but it sure made me emotional either way🥹


I really like this game! I think this game has the best suspense/build-up I've seen out of all of your games. One thing I think could have been done better was the ending. It felt very empty and didn't necessarily answer any of my questions. I thought one of the endings would let me see why everyone was so obsessed with the water, but it just didn't. I am a sucker for open-ended games, but I feel like the story just plummets off a cliff at the end.

Love the game, love ur art <3


is there a third ending or the both endings are bad ending?

(the game is AMAZING! I played many times! please continue the game!!!)


It was good but I'm confused ngl. I think I got the 2 endings already.
Ryan best boy fr btw.


ryan you goofball get back up


oh. my. god.

I'm trying to play this game, but for some reason, the game is very blurry on my computer. I'm playing the Windows version. especially the text and UI are all kind of fuzzy and blurry, like they're stretched out (but I'm playing it in the window dimensions the game launches in... I couldn't find a full screen option.) It's not as sharp as the screenshots on the game page. Does anyone have any ideas how i could fix this? Thank you.


have you tried restarting your device?

(1 edit)

I couldn't play the game. Like I managed to open the game and I saw that the game is open from the icon but I see nothing on my screen. I tried this with other games but only the SIG games are unable to open. I play on mac and I switched to the new version recently. I don't know if thats why because I could play the games before switching. I don't know if anyone else has this problem or if it's just me. Im on mac sequoia 15.0.

(1 edit)

I’m on a Mac and had this same issue too, every RPG Maker game just stopped working when I updated to Sequoia. I managed to get it to work by following the instructions here (in Proxxie_Desu’s post):


I have a lot of thoughts about this game. (SPOILERS AHEAD)

I understand that this is mostly a metaphor for toxic friend groups and relationships. There are other people in the comments who have explained it a LOT better than I could (Kirby's Explanation is a good source). And there are a LOT of stories where it doubles as horror but also as a commentary... But I think that attempt here, is what makes the game falls flat.

The build-up was AMAZING. Genuinely eerie and sets up this air of mystery that I LOVE !!! Seeing the slow change in June's friends, the mysterious encounters, it was all very exciting. The scene of everyone walking out to see gave me intense chills. I was so ready to see what everything would build up towards, and then - it built up towards nothing.

I've seen other people say the Rachel made this with an open-end on purpose, but imo, this is TOO open ended. It doesn't answer any of the questions it sets up. The only thing it answers is why people were eating metal; to assumedly sink in the water. That's it. 

You might be saying, "but it's a commentary! The ending makes perfect sense with what it represents". And that's true! It completes the commentary side of the narrative, but not the actual STORY. It made me feel like everything the GAME's in-universe narrative set up didn't matter at the end. Which really sucks, because I was super invested in the mystery and the characters. 

This isn't to say I hate the game! I think it's great, but because it's so good, it makes me sad that the ending falls so flat (for me). It would be super cool to see this expanded on in the future.


I entirely agree!! it has so much potential if it were to be expanded upon


I really LOVED the game ! But.. I don't really understand the end..What happened ?


a really cool game! was fun to play it!


Man, I know this was a game jam, but I hope you expand on it in the future. It reminds me a bit of Junji Ito. I wish the endings were more detailed, and there was more time for character development. I hoped to have a chance to save each character, maybe depending on dialogue choices you make with them. Like convincing them, or idk, drying them with a hair dryer lol.

And also I want to know a couple more details about what's going on.

It took me 25 mins to complete, btw. I am a fast reader.

Thanks for the cool game <3


rachel said the ending is supposed to be confusing,she also said that she can't wait to talk ab rip in the near future ^^


Does the game cover foreshadow the plot? with everyone inside the blue square except for June? Or am i reading too much into it?

(1 edit) (+1)

It's def foreshadowing, you can even see how they are all doing smth that they were seen doing in game when they were going insane. Even Ryan was looking at her, he knows but he got consumed regardless. 


okay, heres my second time ever playing a racheldrawsthis game without any spoilers or anything, hah




the thing i most liked about it definitely was the ambiance and character presentation, i'm the type of person that is less theories and more visual content but it doesn't make me like less the game, i really wish it was longer and i wish i could see more about the cuties because i literally loved all of them, although they were the reason of the protagonist's distraught, there isn't anything other than the metaphorical part that would make me dislike them, loved the experience, once again another banger SIG<3





loved the story and characters and everything! i know it's short for a game jam, but would definitely love to see more of them someday... maybe...

i loved this game sm but i wish there was more interactable moments T-T, i spent most of the game on the edge for quick time events after the fountain scene but nothing else really happened.


Hello! May I have your permission on translating your game into Thai? I've fallen in love with your game and I'd love to have more people in my country get to play it!

this game freaked me out so much I absolutely LOVE Studio Investigrave games! Both of those ending are so..aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! Theyre so mysterious and sad at the same time!! o7 to Ryan


Another fun and interesting entry. You got me theorizing yet again.


(Also has a cursed commentary version of mine I guess.)
I guess many already had said the same things about the game, but I will say some of them as well again. I love the characters, graphics, and artstyle. I love the vagueness of the story, with some pieces of you can guess what's going on and theorize, with possible of multiple perspective viewing the story. But I guess the most important, is lovecraftian type of writing in this one, which I more leaned into (honesty, I have not read lovecraftian, but kind of know a bit with some other media and game/s I've played/seen). Also back to artstyle, including the music, I love it has so much care to it, especially with each day the environments' devolving to rotting aspect, hence true to the title.
Overall, a pretty great experience!

how is every single game you make so good? what are you, a witch?


I love how we got a chubby protagonist ^^ she looks so cute!! I also kinda like how there's no real explanation on who 'She' is or what is happening

(1 edit) (+3)

Edit: I also forgot to mention this is a blind playthrough and I went in knowing absolutely nothing about this game. Absolutely loved this game! Got both endings as well! I think the moral of the story is how toxic relationships can destroy a good person. I do wish there was more explanation as to who "she" is and what exactly happens to the protag is she chooses to go with the others. Maybe a possible sequel? 

Loved this!


Good game!! I took it as an allegory for friends who become toxic over time. You can go drown in misery with them or leave them behind. Reason I think this is the message is because of June's cousin having to cut off her friends despite it being hard being mentioned. Seemed like a small detail but hit me when Ryan said the others shouldn't treat June the way they did.


In my dreams, I see a universe in which this game is a buildup and at the end we see that "She" was the ocean and we got to the point where we saw all the signs unfold and we were introduced to the cult and everything came together

I wish we were put in a situation in which we had to pick someone to trust and it would have been an absolute mindfuck because then, we'd actually have to think about the things we watched and make a decision based on our judgements


(1 edit) (+1)

I loved this to much. an played it after i came back from my own cruise! Got both endings and i loved it!

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