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Thank you for the game! Great art as always, but I just felt that maybe some bits of the story was missing? Like everyone else has said, the ending felt incomplete and the story and setting just wasn't established properly. Looking forward to your next game.


i enjoyed the whole experience EXCEPT the ending which idk didnt really give that satisfaction,,, but i feel like this one has a lot of potential and could be expanded on in the future...maybe??? hopefully??? since ya know this was prolly made on a time crunch, and honestly it came out awesome, great job team


I don't really get this game. it felt so unfinished. Like most of it is still missing. And the dialoge with Ryan at night was strange. Also how you travel is a pain! I like it when you can move from one map to another, this system was just annoying.

This game is truly phenomenal, and its exquisite artwork is nothing short of breathtaking.

(1 edit) (+3)


ok i dont wanna be toooo harsh because i enjoyed it much and most of my complaints other people have already said so methinkles i'll put my highlights first !!

it was so fucking weird. i love it.
ofcourse, as always. PERFECT ART !!!! waaaah i love the artstyle and the character designs and just how diverse it all looks and feels, the lineart being kinda blurry or uneven just makes it so good to look at and you guys just did so awesomesauce as always
THE CHARACTER WAAAAAH THEYR ESO GOOODD !!!! your other games i feel are much more story driven (especially so since theyre longer) and obviously they have character but this one i feel focuses sooo much more on interaction and personality and just making the characters feel so real. they all have their own dynamics and blend so wonderfully with one other. you can see the little trio/duos in the group but they all get along so well as one unit and it truely feels like no one is left out. reminds me of my own friendgroup a lot :) 
the creepy shots in this are so. good. SOO GODFODD DGRPDGUEGEJ i was actually sooo spooked oh my goddd. when we first go to the buffet and that weirdo guy grabs our hand i my stomach actually dropped, and when mcwhatever was chugging water? CHILLS !!! especially since the game really nailed everybodys mood and personality so seeing that get totally flipped in such a short time is sooo scary ! you know mcboy is happy and silly, you know that carmen is super comfortable and carefree, you know that von is playfully snarky, so when you see them act totally wrong it wrenches your gut and leaves you not only scared and concerned but also hurt.

ok im glazing, im a sucker for character interaction. dont even get me started on ryan,, AND JUNE AND RYAN... and jsut

my complains areeeee pretty standard from what ive seen. the game was really short and i wish we got more time to play around with all the characters. studio investigrave is pretty horror focused on most of their games (atleast the endings are) but i feel like this game couldve done really well as just like a cute thingy. maybe a spin off would be cool? something different from their usual vibe, because i feel like if expanded upon people could really become attatched to these characters !
ofcourse the ending was very abrupt and confusing. i replayed it a few times because i was sure i missed something that would give me a longer finish, but no. you just end at the ocean. (however this is not an entirely bad thing. ive had fun all day wondering what happened and trying to think of theories !! just wish we had more to go off of)

ok thats it. those were my only complaints, and one of them wasnt even a full complaint it since it was half compliment. i really like this game, i wish it was longer, and i think you guys did really good considering it was made in one month. i could neverr !! i hope you guys will expand on it or make a spin off, or i hope to see LOTS of fanart of these dudes atleast. even if u dont, excited to see your next game ! stay fantastical -johnny


I feel like the game had a lot of potential but it was like getting cut off after the first half hour of a movie. Not enough puzzle pieces were left for the audience to really have much to ponder over after the ending. Or rather, there were too many questions and not enough clues for the audience to try and answer them. It set a lot of things up  and just ends up falling flat due to a lack of information. I get that it's supposed to be open ended and there are certain themes it wants to convey but it just ended up feeling too empty. I think using open ending as an reason for why this game is the way it is, ends up falling too short, because it's not just open ended, it's open middled and open beginning'd too. The story isn't fleshed out enough and to top it off, there's no real climax. Usually I enjoy this studio's games but this one was a bit boring. I liked the characters and the art was really good, it just felt like it could have been a shorter game if this was the ultimate goal. It was a really interesting concept though!

(11 edits) (+8)

First off, let me just say I adore your games and your artwork. It’s truly some of the best I’ve seen on, but I have to agree with a few of the comments that this one ends a bit too abruptly. I’m all for ambiguous endings, but there could’ve been a bit more to chew on, even if it’s just June’s final thoughts as she deals with whatever decision she made.

I just wanted a bit more, not necessarily an explanation about what’s happening (there’s enough narrative breadcrumbs that implicates some otherworldly entity in the ocean calling people into the water, at least that’s what I gathered), but moreso an elaboration on how the situation impacts June and how that ties into the game’s themes. Elevator Hitch for example did a great job nailing its ending while still leaving the machinations of its world mostly unexplained and its themes open-ended.

I’m also unsure how to feel about the central theme itself. Assuming it really is allegorical to the nature of friend groups, and learning to cut off toxic and self-destructive friends instead of letting them drag you down with them (based on June’s conversation with Ryan on Sunday night), it’s hard to reconcile the fact that their toxic attitudes felt more a result of the “curse” rather than their own free will.

Where we were meant to view June’s friends as toxic even before anything started happening? In which case the message doesn’t fully land as (imo) there wasn’t really anything separating June and Ryan from the other three, other than the fact that they weren’t affected by the “entity”. Or if this was meant to be a regular, perfectly healthy friend group that only soured as a result of the “curse”, then the decision to cut them off doesn’t quite feel earned. I think some additional character development could’ve helped make the game’s greater point more clear.

Still, the artwork was gorgeous as always, the vibes were immaculate, and this was some of the best use of tension and mystery in an Investigrave game yet. I just found out about Jackpot Crash Course and I can’t wait to play that too!

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