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 I love that the story feels empty. Who are they? I don't know, who is she? I don't know. I need to know more about them! The game really does a good job of leaving you wanting more and with a feeling of emptiness.


exactly!!!!! it feels like the burning.... ill be thinking about this game for a long while.


hello!:3 For anyone that wonders, Rachel herself did say the point of the game IS to confuse us!

i can't wait to a game that happens in brazil


Guys, i really liked this game but... I NEED LORE! PLS. WHY THEY WANTED WATER?? WHO IS SHE??? 
it's so hard to just left this game and be like.. "wtf.. what kind of ending I saw two minutes back??"


I really liked the game! But I wish it had more story to tell. Although the design and the gameplay are fantastic, the story feels too short and empty. Some people may like this kind of open endings, it´s just that I personally feel like it would have been better if it talked about why all of this was happening, so I didn´t really like that part and it made it my least favourite Studio Investigrave game. The length was not a great problem because Married in Red for example is also short but it is one of my favourites and the story is fantastic, it could have shown them seing what was causing that extrange behivior in the last day. But overall it is great, the gameplay being my favorite part.

(1 edit) (+12)

Art, music, and overall direction was, of course, great. But, it does make sense why the writing is getting a polarizing reaction.

Because, while I do think the premise is interesting and what we had was great, the messaging/theme felt pretty weak and forced — all because we don’t get to know the characters as long as we should. If we had more moments with them and their flaws (to lead into the notion that they were, in fact, toxic friends even before all the craziness went down), I think the story would’ve been more powerful even with the open endings.

I loved the mystery of the island and the surreal endings we had here were so great and landed the punch imo. It’s just the fast pace and disconnection of the character development/insight made the overall thing rather weak and a bit corny. (Especially, when Ryan tried to be explicit with the theme on the last night.)

However, this is unfortunately for a game jam, so obviously things needed to be cut to have a solid product. Still, despite its flaws, it's a great game with interesting ideas!

(Now, why was June unaffected still leaves a bitter taste but I'll just chalk it up to horror MC / final girl plot armor lol -- Would've been interesting, albeit cliche, if she had converted last minute)

I mean you can kind of have her convert in the last minute if you choose to follow everyone into the depths but that was literally last minute rather then having a build up of her slowly being driven insane from the events of the plot 

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)









I love the foreshadowing on the poster's game haha 


SAMEEE, McCoy drinking water, Vonnie having scrubs of food, Carmen being wet (from the bath) and Ryan looking at June! Such cool details :D


I think this was my favorite game by them! it was so good, very surreal. good atmosphere. and i liked how open it was



Oooo i cant wait to crack down on this💪


This game had a very open ended conclusion in both endings where we didn't get to see how the mystery that has been brewing from the start resolves itself. 

And that's the beauty of it. 

The whole time you get an almost ethereal feeling from the setting to the events that occur, as if you're watching someone have a warped dream about a fond memory. The themes and symbolism becoming more important than the plot. I'm sure there is a lot of subtext I'm too dumb to analyze on my own. But personally I'm a sucker for thalassophobia and fucked up things in the ocean and I got chills by the end, the scale being well transmitted even through a simple artstyle. 

10/10, lowkey best SIG game to me.

the only way I could get it to work was by installing it on itch (the app). But it was a great game over all


This game is a true work of art!!!!

Great game  ( as always :D!) I liked the endings a lot also june marry me pLEASE. The overall story is pretty cool too I like how not everything is revealed but with a bit of extrapolation its possible to figure something out. No bugs or glitches, and the art is really nice + the  characters are cool

I really was hoping there would be more to the endings but I guess that is a good way to end the story. I really liked the whole you don't really know if anyone has a good ending story.



(3 edits) (+19)

I've seen a lot of people say that they were disappointed or confused that things weren't explained by the game, but I think that's the point. Things feel more Lovecraftian horror here, so the threat being kept vague and unknown is where the horror comes from which I think works well. We know just as much as June does and we're meant to feel confused and frustrated or want more explanations and moments with June's friends by the end, because June does too. The "Her" (Which I assume is the ocean itself) and the supernatural elements are not the focus of the game but they're tools to highlight June and her relationship with her friends because that's where the real story lies. I think this game is an allegory for toxic friendships and how it can be hard to lose those close to you to something like an addiction or harmful mindsets and how difficult it is to leave them even when you know they're hurting and dragging you down with them if you stay, paralleling June's talk about her cousin who had to ditch her friend group recently during the bar scene. 

People say this was Studio Investigrave's weakest game so far, but I think they're viewing the game too literally when the game is obviously trying to be metaphorical. It's refreshing to see that they're leaning more towards doing subtle, quiet but still disturbing horror compared to previous games. Keep up the great work!

Deleted 155 days ago

I really liked it but the endings left me a little confused...


Rachel confirmed thats the point of the game!<3


I just finished the game and thought everything about it was amazing but the endings were just a bit disappointing, it never makes it exactly clear what caused the mass hysteria or who "she" is, it also doesn't make much sense as to why June was unaffected when she drank the resorts cocktails and drinks at the bar. However it makes sense to me when Ryan would try to drown himself as well, I think that he believed June was also infected when she was sitting in the water and he wasn't actually infected like the others, but he didn't want to leave the island alone? I don't know if any one else had this theory but I thought it was fun food for thought!


Haha just had another thought, was Von eating all the food in the buffet to sort of weigh herself down in the water? And did Mccoy try to flush the drinks out of his system using the water because it was almost as if he was still somewhat lucid when he attacked June, but I don’t really know why Carmen was laying on the floor? I understood when she was in the bath saying that she was impatient but didn’t get the floor

(2 edits)

Dude.. I LOVED THIS GAME!!!! Tho the endings really left me hanging on a cliff.. who was this ''she''? Were they hipnotized by some entity? Would there be a way for June and Ryan to save themselves?.. alot of questions to ask..

I first thought that the effect that they (Vonnie, Carmen and McCoy) had were because of the drinks, but as seen June also drank them and seemed uneffected.

Both endings were really confusing, yet interesting. I do wonder what happened to June in the ending where she came back to the shore.. was she left to die in that island alone? Is that why this game is called rot in paradise?

Anyway... my final rating is that the game was really good but also left us on a cliff hanger,

i dont think she was left to die...cuz in that ending we heard the sound of a maybe the ferry came







this was horrifying, but i enjoyed it of course! i hope the next game will come out soonnn, 10/10

This is cool keep it up the plot is very interesting and it was really fun

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

i like the plot premise, the vibes, music, and the characters -- I really do. however, I'm just left a little disappointed about how little to no knowledge you get from the story building and the endings. it was so confusing, I  had to replay twice to figure out if there was an actual second ending or not because I was left puzzled :((

spoilers ahead but:


early on in the game, it's almost led the players to believe that there might be something wrong with the drinks. however down the line, it just seems like that idea might be flushed down the toilet because June drank some the drink + we never got to really see Ryan drinking any and even say it himself he rather just drink his own beer he got from home 

because of this, why was it that June seems unaffected yet Ryan, like the others, was ready to just drowns like that? wasn't it established that Ryan doesn't bother drinking from the resort as it was "too expensive" and it's much cheaper to bring your own drink from home?? June herself doesn't even seem barely affected at all despite taking some drinks along with Vonnie which makes it more confusing with where the game is leading towards.

this is a game jam, but sometimes it would be nice if there was more clarification of the story as to who is "she", is it the drink that possibly creating a lot of weirdness, why June seems to be immune to it (or probably hysterical herself and drowned by herself), and if the resort themselves purposely giving tourists these drinks to drown themselves or something. there's too many questions that doesn't seem to have enough supporting factors to help build a proper open-ended answer to all of these plot points. the ending itself seems unsatisfactory too like sure there is this one part where June can try to pull Ryan up or still hold on, we understand that she probably have some abandoment/being alone issue but I wish there was more options leading up to that point and if it was even possible to understand why Ryan seems to be leaving her behind.


i love Ryan


this was a fun game! i honestly really liked how the main horror was left open ended in favor of saying something with the effects of the horror! the scariest stuff is the stuff left ambiguous to me, so this was a great treat. nice job!!


i hope we get some sorta part 2 because im so confused T-T. at first i thought it was the drinks but June ALSO drank some?? great game as usual! but pls make a part 2 explaining more of the lore im begging rn


Nice and short, but also very disturbing! Though there isn't much gameplay, the mystery of the story is very captivating. Of course, the music and art are wonderful as always.

Good job, once again!

Deleted 155 days ago

the point of the game is to being vague and confusing. Rachel confirmed it.

Really liked it! Felt like a big ol metaphor that I'm too dumb to understand.


HOLY SHIT THAT WAS AWESOME anyways june is hot

I LAUV THIS SO MUCHHH I forgot to comment but I played this the second I got the announcement in the server. Though this will not be one of my fav games, I still enjoyed the experience and stuff. I love the characters, the metaphors/symbolism, the mystery, how after I first chose to follow them in the sea, my mind just went "WHAT THE HELL" and had so many more questions. Reading the discussion chat helped me understand it more, lmao. Thank you for another beautiful game <33

ran into an error unfortunately after the scene where ryan and june reach the docks tgt <3!


(1 edit) (+1)

ending left me staring at my screen in despair for about 5 minutes. very good game 10/10 would cry again


I wasn't quite feeling this one story-wise at all, though love the cgs and art.


Yeah, real. Felt like it left us with too little. Just a couple crumbs more of direction and it would have been perfect!

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