currently playing right now super awesome so far but PLEASEEEE How do I save the game on the Mac?? I've encountered the dreaded in game save that I cant do. I dont wanna reset from zero like I had to with married in red
I'm obsessed with all the visuals of both the CGs and the UI. The banter between the group was very enjoyable to see, especially between Carmen and June, love how they think similarly. Not to mention, the music <3 love it I can't wait for the ost release! Overall a enjoyable game even without an explanation as to what exactly happened.
Me 🤝 June
the fear of abandonment
There's this audio on Tiktok that goes like "Forget about touching grass, I need to touch the SEA! I need to go in the water, I need to dive in the sea! I need to get in there!" and that was basically all I could hear after the final reveal.
i just finished playing and as someone who LOVES a good medaphor i desprately want to give my two sense on this so i hope you dont mind what might be a long ish reply
i think the "rot" (or when everyone started decaying mentally and physically) is a metaphor for junes friends slowly starting to change, and in turn noticing how june wasnt.
from an outsider prespective it was clear to me how alot of the "joking" her friends were doing (for example when McCoy was sad that june wasnt the last to get there, and when he called her lazy) was actually serious.
ryan is the only one who seems to genuinely care for her, and i think him leaving his jacket behind for june is representing that, but i also think that him not being able to swim is representative of him not being strong enough to leave with june. he wants to, but in the end he cant.
alternitively, june is aware of her boundries, aware of what makes her feel comfortable- and more importantly what makes her feel unsafe. in the ending where she follows them into the sea, ryan holds tighter onto her hand. i think this represents how she desprately wants everything to just go back to the way it was, and uses trusting ryan as an exuse to stay with the people who are pushing her away, hoping that everything will go back to normal eventually.
and what really hits home for me is that: the only thing keeping her there is fear. she knew she was in danger, she knew everything around her wasnt right, she knew her friends were acting the way they were acting, but it was the trust she has for them that made her want to stay. she trusted that this wasnt actually them, that there was something wrong and if she can just get them off this island then everything will go back to normal,
and it was only when there was a real threat, when she was physically being away in a way that she couldnt deny anymore, that the trust was stripped away and left only her fear of being abandoned. it doesnt matter who shes with at this point- as long as shes not alone.
in the ending where she swims back up, the fog horn goes off. this implies that she saved herself. she realized that her friends werent her friends anymore, and that she wasnt willing to drown herself for them. she loved them- still loves them. her leaving them doesnt change that, but its better to leave someone whos hurting you then to stay with them becase you love them. sometimes all you can do for someone is hope for them.
i think its important to note that this does not mean that these people were never her friends. people grow, and people change. and sometimes the people who care about you are changed in ways you cannot help, and you want to help them- save them, but sometimes they dont want to be saved. and theres nothing you can do but save yourself.
i think the reason im so drawn to studio investegrave games is how narritively focused they are: rarely are their games ever about whats pysically happening- thats why they dont explain whats bringing everyone to the sea. becase it doesnt matter whats at the bottom, it matters what it represents.
thank you for coming to my ted talk about why SIG games are my favorite genre of games. oh my gojdjfdk i spent like two hours on this reply im gonna go pass out and vividly swirl this game in my head now.
wow, thank you for your reply now I understand it. you must truly love it to spend two hours explaining this. PS I truly forget Rachel's game never had a ghost but she used metaphor.
Yo.... Thank you for validating my assumptions of this game because I honestly thought I was overthinking it but then you showed up and worded it better than I could ever 😭😭
But yes, I agree with you WHOLE HEARTEDLY (and oh my God Ryan was my favorite and i chose wisely but I was crying by the end bc of the ending(s))
So,just to understand a Ryan actually a true real friend to June?or I just made a mistake? also I love your comment and what you wrote really make sense
THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS MY COMMENT IOEWJJ- just to be clear nothing is confirmed and this is what i think the game is trying to convey but personally i do think ryan is a true friend to june! i think him not being able to swim simbolizes how hard it is for him to not get dragged down with the rest of his friends, even if hes smart enough to know that they arent the best people to be around. he might have even stayed just for june, im not sure and i never will be!!! thats one of the fun things about SIG games!!! so many of the details like that are left up to fan enterpretation and its great!!!
Absolutely enjoyed my experience with this game. I loved the art, the playful characters and the dialogue was great!! I liked the music, especially the song at the bar scene, I think at night (?) and definitely added to those spooky moments quite nicely!!
However, the story was where it really shined. For sure. It was delightfully spooky and bone-chilling and left just enough unsaid + said it had me and my chatters on the edge of our seats, theorizing what could happen next and what was happening. It made us think and ponder, and personally? I think it added so very much to the experience.
10/10 would and have recommended to my friends to play... you should too. Great job developers!!
Another amazing game with great and lovable characters<3 I love the approached with this one, and I hope we see more like it in future games! Showing and not telling is underrated.
I love Dead Plate, Married in Red and Elevator Hitch, and now Rot in Paradise is another banger of a game by Studio Investigrave. Man I LOVE THE CHARACTER DESIGNS SO MUCH, especially my guy Ryan. The story is short but really well written, and the horror elements are... disturbing. Even the endings are so ambiguous that it left me really shaken up.I probably won't be going to the ocean anytime soon XD
Can't believe I played this so early! It was a great game, short but good, although the art could've been a bit better when compared to Rachels other games, but I rate it a solid 8/10!
as someone who feels kinda left behind by a lot of people this hits (not that i was really left behind, it was moreso that we drifted apart and now im here, still a bit stuck again. slowly moving on though)
all around excellent game. excellent visuals, music (one song in particular really stood out to me, the one that plays at the bar at night), the story is very classic short story vibes (i'm not sure what people are being left confused about...?), the character designs are awesome (@ june ily.i'm with you re:the dames! and i have a bit of a crush on you also), etc. etc. etc.
there is a typo during the segment where you're exploring and weird things are happening, don't remember exactly where, i think it might be the buffet?: "conscious" is misspelled. also using the keyboard for 90% of the game and then having to grab the mouse for the map is kind of awkward, but it's also quite true that coding it so you can select your destination via keyboard as well in rpgmaker would be time consuming and perhaps not worth the resources for a jam game especially, so it's very understandable, just something i noticed.
so yeah anyways this game deserves the high praise it's been receiving :) yay!
On a literal in-universe level? No idea, besides the base level "people are being driven towards it in a state of madness" thing (i did think of "her" as being the ocean (or i guess an entity within it but that distinction doesn't really matter imo) (which i think is kind of fun because of the whole deal where historically the ocean has been gendered like that (similarly to boats))).
I think the reason I wasn't left confused/maybe unsatisfied was that I just don't really care to know exactly what events are taking place, especially because from, like, June's perspective, she has no idea what's going on either, and that adds to the horror of it, like "hey what's happening why are these people who i know and love acting like this!?" Like a short story, which is kind of what this is, just in video game format. Then I can try and wrap my head around what I think is happening on a more thematic/figurative/allegorical level (still working on that one, but I have enough to go off of that I don't feel let down) which is the part I just generally care more about in fiction. It's a balancing situation where if more is explained, it gets less scary, which is bad for a horror game, and maybe it doesn't work as well as a vehicle for whatever themes the author is trying to communicate, but also the audience is left hanging on some points that they'd maybe really rather not be. I don't know. word vomit reply. tldr i'm as unsure as everyone else on some key points i'm just coming from a different angle i guess which makes me fine with it (and both ways are fine obviously etc. and my previous comment was maybe a little misworded lol)
I appreciate the response. Although I don't need a full grasp of the horror elements of the game (as you said, knowing everything would diminish the horror) I find it difficult to be scared at all when there is so little to go off of. Say like with zombie shit, that shit scared the FUCK out of me, and its due to the infectious nature of it. At first I thought this was going down a similar route, but June, our player character and therefore audience insert, is seemingly unnaffected, which separates me from the whole horror of being infected. Now obviously homegirls who go into the ocean die from at the very least drowning, but the reasoning why, if hinted at, could add to the horror or depravity in my eyes. Was it all for nothing? A revenge plot by the sea herself, as if, like in the novel Solaris, it was a living breathing being? I think I completely agree with you about knowledge and horror, and that knowing too much certainly diminishes the tension of the scary media, but I also think knowing too little can do that too, and that's how I feel about this game hah. Sorry this is a lot lolz, didn't expect to get so into it, but for me at least, this has been a pretty interesting conversation haha!
looks like this game has its own original soundtrack, which hasn't been released that i know of as of yet, though it looks like it'll be up relatively soon. the composer (listed in the game description) tweeted out track names , and my best guess is that it's probably "Drown Me Deep (feat. Brubs)" though of course we'll find out for sure when the soundtrack drops ^_^ looking forward to it!
in the meantime you can listen to it via the game's files (/www/audio/bgm)
I absolutely love this!!! A horror with mystery??? Tragedy??? Death??? Yesssssssssss
The story might be confusing to some, but I do enjoy this kind of thing~! The sound design were bopping and terrifying! And the characterssss yesssss love them <3
I love the cute artstyle, and I really like this style of horror. Murder and stuff makes me sad, but returning to the deeps is more properly spooky to me. (And it's where we belong!!!)
Awesome game!!! Loved the art and the story, it was great!! One small question though, I can't seem to delete the game off of my PC. I normally download games and delete them afterwards to save space, but every time I go to delete it.. file explorer stops responding and my PC crashes. Any tips on how to delete it? I've tried dragging and dropping into the trash bin and pressing shift+delete and they don't work.
Really nice game! The art, the story, and the music are perfect! Though I’m still a little bit confused about the story, especially the ending. Was still nice to play it!
Art and character's are good but story so rush that leave many unanswered questions. I feel like I play the story doesn't have main part and only have prologue and epilogue. Hope this is just a demo and will get developed
I played through both endings. I'm going to write something more in depth later, but this is most obviously about eating disorders. I'm almost certain it's about THAT 2010s internet thing.(also why is there no WASD..)
THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE GAME, so maybe don't read if you haven't played it for yourself yet.
hi :) this comment is all over the place so i apologise in advance xD i want to give you my thoughts on the game so far.
game's size is really bugging me. it seems that unused assets- both from rpg maker and your past games- take up nearly half of it. would be nice if it could be dealt with in the future. outline on the mc's sprite (specifically the head) flickers from light brown to black when you go between walking and standing in place. some text barely fits into the message window (no right border padding). for me the map was not very informative- while it does it's job (fast travel, or, uh, just travel since there's only one place where you can switch between screens by walking), it didn't really stitch those different places together for me. i didn't get the picture of what the island is supposed to look like. interacting (Z) with stuff felt unintuitive and clumsy. i didn't know what i could interact with, sometimes pressing Z didn't do anything (i think this has to do with walking/running at the same time), and a few times i missed the hitbox by moving too far right. mix this all together, and you end up with a not-so-pleasant experience. maybe adding highlights around the items/people you can interact with that shows when you are getting close to them or some sort of an indicator would be nice.
story felt very short, and we didn't really get to know any of the characters. mc's friends (excluding Ryan) seem dismissive about things that concern her, and i can't tell for sure whether it's because of whatever is going on on that island or because they're a 'bad company'. mc seems confused about why they are like this. we actually don't know how long they've known each other and thus can't tell if this behaviour is unusual or they are just dicks. or maybe they are just really tired or spooked out and just want to enjoy their vacation? there are some possibilities to explore.
i guess the whole thing was about how people sometimes suddenly change for the worse. you don't know why and you cannot do anything about it (the waves push mc back when she reaches forward). so you either leave, feeling confused and maybe betrayed, or end up harming yourself by sticking to them, fearing that leaving is the wrong choice (in one scene mc questions herself to ryan, what if she's the one who is weird?). i don't know how eating metal comes into this though. or drowning yourself. or flooding your bathroom. or waiting for 'her' in the water in the middle of a storm. or giving back the fish. maybe friends' weird behavior was hyperbolic to point out that yeah, they ARE acting strange (and maybe even self-destructive, but pushing away any help?), and mc is not acting hysterical. regarding the self-destructive note, you can't help those who do not wish to be helped. and it's definitely not fair if they treat you badly (or hit you. geez, mccoy).
that's all, i think. i love all work and care that goes into indie games, so you guys did great. hope to see more from you in the future :)
"oh. i just noticed my cooler was empty" :D love me some humor in dire situations.
Some very interesting details in the game, for example: the house was intact when the heroine fell asleep on the last night, and everything became a ruin when she woke up. But in the end it was an open ending, and it seemed that she was the only one left... Compared with "Dead Plate", this game is already very harmonious. At least there was no bloody scene... (except for the protagonist getting a slap).
Your country probably has different customs, but just know that a lot of people here don't like when someone talks about appearances of both real and fictional people, especially if it's not relevant to the story. It might seem strange to you, but games from English speaking communities usually have more characters with vastly different body types, and mentioning an external trait of a character that's less portrayed in media might sound rude towards real life people that share that trait. Hope this clears up any confusion you had!
Although the ending or the overall plot of the game in general is left with some questions that are unanswered, I commend it for the foreshadowing and themes that it left behind for the players to pick up and intepret on their own with enough to draw their own conclusions. This is in style of many Studio Investigrave games and I personally don't mind it.
The art is beautiful as always and has a nice cast of characters that you could also picked apart in the little time we known them in both their charms and later flaws hidden beneath them. While the plot may seem to be heavily involved with something supernatural to explain the weird stuff happening in the story, I like how it also ties into the very real fears of social pressure and toxic friend groups that we get to see firsthand instilled into our protagonist, June (who I quite adore :D)
Overall, it was a nice experience for me to pass the time, and funnily enough, it was also raining heavily when I was playing it. I guess you could say it was a somewhat immersive experience for me too XD
Spoiler and a theory ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. …………………………………………………….
I think that the ferry sank, and June is the only one that had the ability to survive. The "Follow" ending probably shows that she gave up, the other one seems to indicate that she kept fighting and managed to survive. What I think supports this theory, is the beach being empty and sunny when she's back to the shore, whereas before she sees Roy for the last time, it's full of clothes and, well, the weather.
I ain't no MatPat, but this was fun to think about.
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I found this game randomly on youtube it's really fun
currently playing right now super awesome so far but PLEASEEEE How do I save the game on the Mac?? I've encountered the dreaded in game save that I cant do. I dont wanna reset from zero like I had to with married in red
whats the song name in the game where everyone meets up at night ?
[Spoilers mentioned]
I'm obsessed with all the visuals of both the CGs and the UI. The banter between the group was very enjoyable to see, especially between Carmen and June, love how they think similarly. Not to mention, the music <3 love it I can't wait for the ost release! Overall a enjoyable game even without an explanation as to what exactly happened.
Me 🤝 June
the fear of abandonment
There's this audio on Tiktok that goes like "Forget about touching grass, I need to touch the SEA! I need to go in the water, I need to dive in the sea! I need to get in there!" and that was basically all I could hear after the final reveal.
I'm not sure I understand this story in the right way it sounds like everyone gets called by a ghost under the sea. but why is June safe?
i just finished playing and as someone who LOVES a good medaphor i desprately want to give my two sense on this so i hope you dont mind what might be a long ish reply
i think the "rot" (or when everyone started decaying mentally and physically) is a metaphor for junes friends slowly starting to change, and in turn noticing how june wasnt.
from an outsider prespective it was clear to me how alot of the "joking" her friends were doing (for example when McCoy was sad that june wasnt the last to get there, and when he called her lazy) was actually serious.
ryan is the only one who seems to genuinely care for her, and i think him leaving his jacket behind for june is representing that, but i also think that him not being able to swim is representative of him not being strong enough to leave with june. he wants to, but in the end he cant.
alternitively, june is aware of her boundries, aware of what makes her feel comfortable- and more importantly what makes her feel unsafe. in the ending where she follows them into the sea, ryan holds tighter onto her hand. i think this represents how she desprately wants everything to just go back to the way it was, and uses trusting ryan as an exuse to stay with the people who are pushing her away, hoping that everything will go back to normal eventually.
and what really hits home for me is that: the only thing keeping her there is fear. she knew she was in danger, she knew everything around her wasnt right, she knew her friends were acting the way they were acting, but it was the trust she has for them that made her want to stay. she trusted that this wasnt actually them, that there was something wrong and if she can just get them off this island then everything will go back to normal,
and it was only when there was a real threat, when she was physically being away in a way that she couldnt deny anymore, that the trust was stripped away and left only her fear of being abandoned. it doesnt matter who shes with at this point- as long as shes not alone.
in the ending where she swims back up, the fog horn goes off. this implies that she saved herself. she realized that her friends werent her friends anymore, and that she wasnt willing to drown herself for them. she loved them- still loves them. her leaving them doesnt change that, but its better to leave someone whos hurting you then to stay with them becase you love them. sometimes all you can do for someone is hope for them.
i think its important to note that this does not mean that these people were never her friends. people grow, and people change. and sometimes the people who care about you are changed in ways you cannot help, and you want to help them- save them, but sometimes they dont want to be saved. and theres nothing you can do but save yourself.
i think the reason im so drawn to studio investegrave games is how narritively focused they are: rarely are their games ever about whats pysically happening- thats why they dont explain whats bringing everyone to the sea. becase it doesnt matter whats at the bottom, it matters what it represents.
thank you for coming to my ted talk about why SIG games are my favorite genre of games. oh my gojdjfdk i spent like two hours on this reply im gonna go pass out and vividly swirl this game in my head now.
wow, thank you for your reply now I understand it. you must truly love it to spend two hours explaining this. PS I truly forget Rachel's game never had a ghost but she used metaphor.
Yo.... Thank you for validating my assumptions of this game because I honestly thought I was overthinking it but then you showed up and worded it better than I could ever 😭😭
But yes, I agree with you WHOLE HEARTEDLY (and oh my God Ryan was my favorite and i chose wisely but I was crying by the end bc of the ending(s))
So,just to understand a Ryan actually a true real friend to June?or I just made a mistake? also I love your comment and what you wrote really make sense
THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS MY COMMENT IOEWJJ- just to be clear nothing is confirmed and this is what i think the game is trying to convey but personally i do think ryan is a true friend to june! i think him not being able to swim simbolizes how hard it is for him to not get dragged down with the rest of his friends, even if hes smart enough to know that they arent the best people to be around. he might have even stayed just for june, im not sure and i never will be!!! thats one of the fun things about SIG games!!! so many of the details like that are left up to fan enterpretation and its great!!!
(spoiler) and then they all got out of the water and went home
making this canon in my head now fr
I like Australian representation....especially when it gets released on the game tho keep up the great work
Absolutely enjoyed my experience with this game. I loved the art, the playful characters and the dialogue was great!! I liked the music, especially the song at the bar scene, I think at night (?) and definitely added to those spooky moments quite nicely!!
However, the story was where it really shined. For sure. It was delightfully spooky and bone-chilling and left just enough unsaid + said it had me and my chatters on the edge of our seats, theorizing what could happen next and what was happening. It made us think and ponder, and personally? I think it added so very much to the experience.
10/10 would and have recommended to my friends to play... you should too. Great job developers!!
it's a fun game & I liked the story. But I didn't for June at all. She was too simple take her too long to realize she was in danger.
Finished the game and yep! I have no idea what just happened! Fun though!
Another amazing game with great and lovable characters<3 I love the approached with this one, and I hope we see more like it in future games! Showing and not telling is underrated.
This game got me thinking, looking out for each hint and made me think outside the box.
Thank you for another amazing game. I look forward to your games ✨☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
I can't wait to play it!!
I love Dead Plate, Married in Red and Elevator Hitch, and now Rot in Paradise is another banger of a game by Studio Investigrave. Man I LOVE THE CHARACTER DESIGNS SO MUCH, especially my guy Ryan. The story is short but really well written, and the horror elements are... disturbing. Even the endings are so ambiguous that it left me really shaken up.I probably won't be going to the ocean anytime soon XD
Here's my full playthrough! Hope you enjoy ^-^
Can't believe I played this so early! It was a great game, short but good, although the art could've been a bit better when compared to Rachels other games, but I rate it a solid 8/10!
as someone who feels kinda left behind by a lot of people this hits (not that i was really left behind, it was moreso that we drifted apart and now im here, still a bit stuck again. slowly moving on though)
all around excellent game. excellent visuals, music (one song in particular really stood out to me, the one that plays at the bar at night), the story is very classic short story vibes (i'm not sure what people are being left confused about...?), the character designs are awesome (@ june ily.i'm with you re:the dames! and i have a bit of a crush on you also), etc. etc. etc.
there is a typo during the segment where you're exploring and weird things are happening, don't remember exactly where, i think it might be the buffet?: "conscious" is misspelled. also using the keyboard for 90% of the game and then having to grab the mouse for the map is kind of awkward, but it's also quite true that coding it so you can select your destination via keyboard as well in rpgmaker would be time consuming and perhaps not worth the resources for a jam game especially, so it's very understandable, just something i noticed.
so yeah anyways this game deserves the high praise it's been receiving :) yay!
You seem quite assured of the narrative, so do tell, what is going on with the ocean?
On a literal in-universe level? No idea, besides the base level "people are being driven towards it in a state of madness" thing (i did think of "her" as being the ocean (or i guess an entity within it but that distinction doesn't really matter imo) (which i think is kind of fun because of the whole deal where historically the ocean has been gendered like that (similarly to boats))).
I think the reason I wasn't left confused/maybe unsatisfied was that I just don't really care to know exactly what events are taking place, especially because from, like, June's perspective, she has no idea what's going on either, and that adds to the horror of it, like "hey what's happening why are these people who i know and love acting like this!?" Like a short story, which is kind of what this is, just in video game format. Then I can try and wrap my head around what I think is happening on a more thematic/figurative/allegorical level (still working on that one, but I have enough to go off of that I don't feel let down) which is the part I just generally care more about in fiction. It's a balancing situation where if more is explained, it gets less scary, which is bad for a horror game, and maybe it doesn't work as well as a vehicle for whatever themes the author is trying to communicate, but also the audience is left hanging on some points that they'd maybe really rather not be. I don't know. word vomit reply. tldr i'm as unsure as everyone else on some key points i'm just coming from a different angle i guess which makes me fine with it (and both ways are fine obviously etc. and my previous comment was maybe a little misworded lol)
I appreciate the response. Although I don't need a full grasp of the horror elements of the game (as you said, knowing everything would diminish the horror) I find it difficult to be scared at all when there is so little to go off of. Say like with zombie shit, that shit scared the FUCK out of me, and its due to the infectious nature of it. At first I thought this was going down a similar route, but June, our player character and therefore audience insert, is seemingly unnaffected, which separates me from the whole horror of being infected. Now obviously homegirls who go into the ocean die from at the very least drowning, but the reasoning why, if hinted at, could add to the horror or depravity in my eyes. Was it all for nothing? A revenge plot by the sea herself, as if, like in the novel Solaris, it was a living breathing being? I think I completely agree with you about knowledge and horror, and that knowing too much certainly diminishes the tension of the scary media, but I also think knowing too little can do that too, and that's how I feel about this game hah. Sorry this is a lot lolz, didn't expect to get so into it, but for me at least, this has been a pretty interesting conversation haha!
Going to have to copy you and say that I appreciate the response, haha. There's definitely a lot to think about here! :) good discussion
Do you know the name of the song that plays at the bar at night? I too liked it a lot but couldn't find it anywhere online!
looks like this game has its own original soundtrack, which hasn't been released that i know of as of yet, though it looks like it'll be up relatively soon. the composer (listed in the game description) tweeted out track names , and my best guess is that it's probably "Drown Me Deep (feat. Brubs)" though of course we'll find out for sure when the soundtrack drops ^_^ looking forward to it!
in the meantime you can listen to it via the game's files (/www/audio/bgm)
Ok, Thanks.
i wuv gaeme eit was so gud :3 meoooooow also ye i liked the story it wus gud much agreemenet witn u
The story might be confusing to some, but I do enjoy this kind of thing~! The sound design were bopping and terrifying! And the characterssss yesssss love them <3
I love the cute artstyle, and I really like this style of horror. Murder and stuff makes me sad, but returning to the deeps is more properly spooky to me. (And it's where we belong!!!)
Nice plot and very interesting atmosphere. Great game! ALL ENDINGS HERE:
Really liked the game but the ending came so unexpectedly it gave me whiplash
Awesome game!!! Loved the art and the story, it was great!! One small question though, I can't seem to delete the game off of my PC. I normally download games and delete them afterwards to save space, but every time I go to delete it.. file explorer stops responding and my PC crashes. Any tips on how to delete it? I've tried dragging and dropping into the trash bin and pressing shift+delete and they don't work.
Really nice game! The art, the story, and the music are perfect! Though I’m still a little bit confused about the story, especially the ending. Was still nice to play it!
Art and character's are good but story so rush that leave many unanswered questions. I feel like I play the story doesn't have main part and only have prologue and epilogue.
Hope this is just a demo and will get developed
I played through both endings. I'm going to write something more in depth later, but this is most obviously about eating disorders. I'm almost certain it's about THAT 2010s internet thing.(also why is there no WASD..)
The story was absolutely crazy! I really love how the dialogue was written and how everything built up!
THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR THE GAME, so maybe don't read if you haven't played it for yourself yet.
hi :) this comment is all over the place so i apologise in advance xD i want to give you my thoughts on the game so far.
game's size is really bugging me. it seems that unused assets- both from rpg maker and your past games- take up nearly half of it. would be nice if it could be dealt with in the future.
outline on the mc's sprite (specifically the head) flickers from light brown to black when you go between walking and standing in place. some text barely fits into the message window (no right border padding).
for me the map was not very informative- while it does it's job (fast travel, or, uh, just travel since there's only one place where you can switch between screens by walking), it didn't really stitch those different places together for me. i didn't get the picture of what the island is supposed to look like.
interacting (Z) with stuff felt unintuitive and clumsy. i didn't know what i could interact with, sometimes pressing Z didn't do anything (i think this has to do with walking/running at the same time), and a few times i missed the hitbox by moving too far right. mix this all together, and you end up with a not-so-pleasant experience. maybe adding highlights around the items/people you can interact with that shows when you are getting close to them or some sort of an indicator would be nice.
story felt very short, and we didn't really get to know any of the characters. mc's friends (excluding Ryan) seem dismissive about things that concern her, and i can't tell for sure whether it's because of whatever is going on on that island or because they're a 'bad company'. mc seems confused about why they are like this. we actually don't know how long they've known each other and thus can't tell if this behaviour is unusual or they are just dicks. or maybe they are just really tired or spooked out and just want to enjoy their vacation? there are some possibilities to explore.
i guess the whole thing was about how people sometimes suddenly change for the worse. you don't know why and you cannot do anything about it (the waves push mc back when she reaches forward). so you either leave, feeling confused and maybe betrayed, or end up harming yourself by sticking to them, fearing that leaving is the wrong choice (in one scene mc questions herself to ryan, what if she's the one who is weird?). i don't know how eating metal comes into this though. or drowning yourself. or flooding your bathroom. or waiting for 'her' in the water in the middle of a storm. or giving back the fish. maybe friends' weird behavior was hyperbolic to point out that yeah, they ARE acting strange (and maybe even self-destructive, but pushing away any help?), and mc is not acting hysterical. regarding the self-destructive note, you can't help those who do not wish to be helped. and it's definitely not fair if they treat you badly (or hit you. geez, mccoy).
that's all, i think. i love all work and care that goes into indie games, so you guys did great. hope to see more from you in the future :)
"oh. i just noticed my cooler was empty" :D love me some humor in dire situations.
Very interesting plot and amazing artwork. ALL ENDINGS HERE:
Some very interesting details in the game, for example: the house was intact when the heroine fell asleep on the last night, and everything became a ruin when she woke up. But in the end it was an open ending, and it seemed that she was the only one left... Compared with "Dead Plate", this game is already very harmonious. At least there was no bloody scene... (except for the protagonist getting a slap).
Sorry, none of the international languages are my native language, I use translation software...
Your country probably has different customs, but just know that a lot of people here don't like when someone talks about appearances of both real and fictional people, especially if it's not relevant to the story. It might seem strange to you, but games from English speaking communities usually have more characters with vastly different body types, and mentioning an external trait of a character that's less portrayed in media might sound rude towards real life people that share that trait. Hope this clears up any confusion you had!
Did anyone else have trouble being able to save?
Absolutely loved this. amazing atmosphere, and i love being able to interpret things.10/10
Although the ending or the overall plot of the game in general is left with some questions that are unanswered, I commend it for the foreshadowing and themes that it left behind for the players to pick up and intepret on their own with enough to draw their own conclusions. This is in style of many Studio Investigrave games and I personally don't mind it.
The art is beautiful as always and has a nice cast of characters that you could also picked apart in the little time we known them in both their charms and later flaws hidden beneath them. While the plot may seem to be heavily involved with something supernatural to explain the weird stuff happening in the story, I like how it also ties into the very real fears of social pressure and toxic friend groups that we get to see firsthand instilled into our protagonist, June (who I quite adore :D)
Overall, it was a nice experience for me to pass the time, and funnily enough, it was also raining heavily when I was playing it. I guess you could say it was a somewhat immersive experience for me too XD
Spoiler and a theory
……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………. …………………………………………………….
I think that the ferry sank, and June is the only one that had the ability to survive. The "Follow" ending probably shows that she gave up, the other one seems to indicate that she kept fighting and managed to survive. What I think supports this theory, is the beach being empty and sunny when she's back to the shore, whereas before she sees Roy for the last time, it's full of clothes and, well, the weather.
I ain't no MatPat, but this was fun to think about.
Nooo, noo. Wouldn't say so. I think the rate they turned was the rate they drowned in.
You always make such enjoyable games! Please keep doing what you're doing.