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Man, I know this was a game jam, but I hope you expand on it in the future. It reminds me a bit of Junji Ito. I wish the endings were more detailed, and there was more time for character development. I hoped to have a chance to save each character, maybe depending on dialogue choices you make with them. Like convincing them, or idk, drying them with a hair dryer lol.

And also I want to know a couple more details about what's going on.

It took me 25 mins to complete, btw. I am a fast reader.

Thanks for the cool game <3


rachel said the ending is supposed to be confusing,she also said that she can't wait to talk ab rip in the near future ^^


Does the game cover foreshadow the plot? with everyone inside the blue square except for June? Or am i reading too much into it?

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It's def foreshadowing, you can even see how they are all doing smth that they were seen doing in game when they were going insane. Even Ryan was looking at her, he knows but he got consumed regardless. 


okay, heres my second time ever playing a racheldrawsthis game without any spoilers or anything, hah




the thing i most liked about it definitely was the ambiance and character presentation, i'm the type of person that is less theories and more visual content but it doesn't make me like less the game, i really wish it was longer and i wish i could see more about the cuties because i literally loved all of them, although they were the reason of the protagonist's distraught, there isn't anything other than the metaphorical part that would make me dislike them, loved the experience, once again another banger SIG<3





loved the story and characters and everything! i know it's short for a game jam, but would definitely love to see more of them someday... maybe...

i loved this game sm but i wish there was more interactable moments T-T, i spent most of the game on the edge for quick time events after the fountain scene but nothing else really happened.


Hello! May I have your permission on translating your game into Thai? I've fallen in love with your game and I'd love to have more people in my country get to play it!

this game freaked me out so much I absolutely LOVE Studio Investigrave games! Both of those ending are so..aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! Theyre so mysterious and sad at the same time!! o7 to Ryan


Another fun and interesting entry. You got me theorizing yet again.


(Also has a cursed commentary version of mine I guess.)
I guess many already had said the same things about the game, but I will say some of them as well again. I love the characters, graphics, and artstyle. I love the vagueness of the story, with some pieces of you can guess what's going on and theorize, with possible of multiple perspective viewing the story. But I guess the most important, is lovecraftian type of writing in this one, which I more leaned into (honesty, I have not read lovecraftian, but kind of know a bit with some other media and game/s I've played/seen). Also back to artstyle, including the music, I love it has so much care to it, especially with each day the environments' devolving to rotting aspect, hence true to the title.
Overall, a pretty great experience!

how is every single game you make so good? what are you, a witch?


I love how we got a chubby protagonist ^^ she looks so cute!! I also kinda like how there's no real explanation on who 'She' is or what is happening

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Edit: I also forgot to mention this is a blind playthrough and I went in knowing absolutely nothing about this game. Absolutely loved this game! Got both endings as well! I think the moral of the story is how toxic relationships can destroy a good person. I do wish there was more explanation as to who "she" is and what exactly happens to the protag is she chooses to go with the others. Maybe a possible sequel? 

Loved this!


Good game!! I took it as an allegory for friends who become toxic over time. You can go drown in misery with them or leave them behind. Reason I think this is the message is because of June's cousin having to cut off her friends despite it being hard being mentioned. Seemed like a small detail but hit me when Ryan said the others shouldn't treat June the way they did.


In my dreams, I see a universe in which this game is a buildup and at the end we see that "She" was the ocean and we got to the point where we saw all the signs unfold and we were introduced to the cult and everything came together

I wish we were put in a situation in which we had to pick someone to trust and it would have been an absolute mindfuck because then, we'd actually have to think about the things we watched and make a decision based on our judgements


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I loved this to much. an played it after i came back from my own cruise! Got both endings and i loved it!


It's s good game, I'm just confused?? Could someone explain the story to me because from what I got this group of friends went on a vacation, but something there started "infecting" some of them - I assume it's some kind of siren. What do the endings mean and what part was the "disordered eating"??


Just my theory, but basically I believe that this game was a metaphor for toxic friendships. Notice how one of the lines that June says at the end is "I just want my friends back". I mention this because throughout the game, a theme seems to be how her friends all resent her or want space in some way. I don't know about the eating exactly, I think that's just a sign of stress (The stress of getting annoyed by June). At first June's bubbly personality was welcomed, but then gradually became something that would be pushed aside and got her yelled at. She could choose to let her friends 'go' in a metaphorical sense, or let them weigh and pull her down into feeling like a burden in a toxic friendship. That is just my guess though.

I think the disordered eating was when Von was eating a bunch that night, or how they mention eating metal


AHHH ITS AMAZING!!! this is such a wonderful, meaningful game, and even tho it is short, it has an awesome playthrough + story! i love how the investigrave studio + racheldrawsthis always have hidden messages that can mean something irl


first, woah, second, love it how everyone gradually got worse with whatever was affecting them. whether is be some sort of virus or not


i genuinely love this game so much, like all studio investigrave/racheldraws this games, the art is amazing, the storyline is perfect, and it’s just an amazing game in general


This was gorgeous and terrifying. I loved the growing sense of dread as time progressed. When you know you can't help anyone. It's fantastic


holy balls this was so cool and crazy and weird (in a good way) 


HOLY COW this is so awesome 


this is INSANE omg. I EVEN TRIED FINDING MORE ENDINGS. I FELT LIKE IT WAS SO SHORT. i MIGHT even draw and dream about this. this is wild


we love a studio investigrave game


Even though the game was short and open ended, I really enjoyed it and think it was well worth it for the free enjoyment. Thanks to all the contributors!

7.8, too much water /j

but fr tho, really good game, wish the endings weren't extremely short, but I never made a game for a gamejam so idk

ngl looking at the preview i thought McCoy was Winnie




Is it just me or Carmen kinda looks like Kagamine Rin from Vocaloid 😭


Nah she looks like Basil from Omori

ik when i saw her i just thought “basil”


I made an account just so i could comment bc this game was just like, super shocking. I didn't understand the endings but i think that's because i was focused on the more literal meaning than a more in depth oneee? Kirby the sixth does such a great job explaining a deeper meaning 🤝🤝 another great game by Studio Investigrave 





Dang, I came here for the horror but stayed for the bad friendship themes. I felt that in my soul. I'm glad this game allowed me to reflect on those experiences. It's tough to accept when friends are bad for you but sometimes you need to put yourself first. 


i love the artstyle so much. the story was very intriguing as well i was very much hooked. really did a good job with this one. played this as part of my horror series if u wanna watch.


this genuinely broke me im so hurt


i didnt get the endings but this game is nice i think. maybe. perchance.

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This game is amazing ngl Rachel u just keep on fueling my life <3 i love all ur games!!! 

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