HUGE Thank you + Bonus Sketches/Concept Art + QNA


Hello!! Rachel here, thank you everyone for all the love and support you have given me and the game so far!! You guys have no idea how much every single view, download and comment means to me- I've always wanted to create an RPG Horror game to share stories with the world ever since I was a kid and it makes me so happy that my dream has finally started to come true!! Even though the game was made in a hurry and some parts were rushed and written a bit wacky, I'm so surprised and honored that so many people out there are playing my game and I was able to make them relate or feel emotionally attached to my silly little characters and narrative. I can't say thank you enough for checking out the game and enjoying something I made!! 


I also noticed people have been leaving tips when downloading the game and I wanted to make a shoutout to them because AAA!!! This is the very first time someone tipped me with real money for doing something that I love/enjoy!! Thank you for supporting me and motivating me to keep doing what I enjoy and make more games in the future, you guys really helped boost my confidence. Thank you for the experience that I will never forget in my lifetime, I really really appreciate it. 


Below are some concept art and bonus sketches/content I did of the game/characters for the people who enjoy Augustine and Winnie!! The entire game was written out in like . 2 days () so there aren't many sketches of them that I did but I tried to gather as many scraps as I could find!! 

^ This was the very first sketch I ever did of Augustine and Winnie- these two were originally going to be actual enemies that hate each other's guts + aren't afraid to show it with them constantly bickering and fighting- but I then changed their relationship/dynamic to how they are now so they can feel more three-dimensional/can come off as relatable to people having issues with their best friends!! Winnie also was going to wear winter clothing + have a beanie, but I scrapped that design. 

^ Augustine's original motif was going to be a penguin but thought a bear would fit him better so I changed it later on. Bonus fact!! The color orange and blue plays a heavy visual clue/role in Cold Front- and I applied that to Augustine's design as well. His bag is colored blue not only to make it pop off from his orange-based color scheme but to metaphorically represent how he feels that Winnie is a burden/heavy weight on him :] !!!

^ Winnie was originally going to have a dimple show up on his left cheek whenever he smiled  but I forgot to. draw them in the final version so that trait didn't get to be shown in the game :[ !!!

^ This is an unused Augustine sprite for the game!! I pre-drew this but then I realized that Augustine would. Not Be Smiling throughout the course of the entire game until the end so I didn't get to use it.  

^ Remember how I said Cold Front was made for a Korean RPG Maker Game Jam/Contest? Well Cold Front won 2nd place in the best story/narrative category!!! These were little sketches I drew while waiting for the results :] !! 

Below are random sketches/shitposts I did when I was taking a break from working on the game. Enjoy!! 


If you had any questions to me about the game or the characters, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!! 

Thank you once again for checking out Cold Front + reading this post, see you next time !!! <3 

- RachelDrawsThis

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(1 edit)

Love the art! You're so talented. I've always wanted to do art in this style. I draw similar, but I can't seem to get this specific style and this realistic/manga-like style. I mean I'm just a teen so I guess I can't expect to be as good as a professional.


Hey this is really late but does Winnie visit Augustine? It's been bothering me because it didn't say in the game :(

i was wondering too. do they write/test each other?..

im not associated with anyone who worked on this nor have they ever said anything about it but yes they do thank you for asking


bit late to this so its ok if this doesnt get a reply, but the playlist sketch got me thinking. what music do winnie and augustine listen too?? and do they play any video games? ive known them for like 2 hours but i already love them hahah


these are such fun and cute sketches, its so cool taking a peek at them and reading the QNA here!! the insight of augustine's bag being blue to show that he thought of winnie as a burden is so. WAUUGH. screams into my hands. i really want to make fanart for this game now


LMAO the yippie