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(2 edits) (+3)

Managed to run it on Linux via Steam's "Add a non-steam game to library" feature + proton. I can happily say I only encountered the known bugs (all of em) , which stopped feeling as annoying by like day 4.

Also did fanart cause boy is the story gutwrenching


also i love your artstyle sm

Thank you :> 


Aww! That's so cute! Very impressive for Microsoft Paint



this game was actually AMAZING holy crap,, left me stunned at all the endings 😭😭


this game needs like a lil show thing it's so amazing love it so much


i really want to fully like this game, and i did get a lot of enjoyment out of it, but you really need to patch only being able to interact with a table from a certain angle. it's incredibly annoying losing a customer just because i'm not standing at the exact correct position to give them something </3

other than that, i loved it!

Love the game, the art is amazing, and the story is great. The main problem I've had with it is it being hard to click on objects. and I've also not been able to finish Day 6, but I'll finish it one of these days.

And other than that, it's a great game.

Amazing game.. butt..

this keeps happening, even when I restart the day and go again


Yeah that's just the void, ignore it, for if you don't, then you will become one with it. This isn't a joke, this is a warning

so far, the games been nice and ive only done the tutorial! however, i'm on mac and my game always crashes unfortunately :( hopefully i can play the game fully soon!

Hi ! couldn't finish, please remove any text confirmation (plate received, you have to click, thanks, you have to click, etc).

the command is taken at one side of the table, but you have to clean the table by the other side... put any command at the same place... or all places (up, side and down)


The z button somehow doesn't work sometimes, especially with the orders when I wanna take them from the window I couldn't even get this appetizer which made me lose the game this is so frustrating wtf

I can't even get past the first level


Yeah I can't play this game, man :(

same! i was so disapointed :(

i ran into this problem as well the only thing that helps is pushing the up arrow key and the hitting z to grab the food


Can't even try a game :') an error right after choosing showing up time

yeah this same thing is happening to me and I'm playing on mac

Yeah same

same bro

(1 edit)

If you're paying in Mac, have u tried to move the game file to "Applications"?

love this game , i got all endings 

Alguien sabe cómo descargarlo en celular? Quiero jugar 👀🥲

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm playing on mac and every time i open it after it shows me the controls it keeps on having a repeated error I'm not sure how to get around it. (I just wanna see Vincent :heartbroken:)


i actually feel the vincent part to the bone fr


Does anybody know what film is playing on the tv at home?


Alright so yeah Vincent is so *mwah* CHEF KISS
This is the character that I need

Storywise I love it! However, I feel like the gameplay feels clunky most of the times, albeit I did play the way it wasn't intended lol.

I have a weird issue, I can’t get any sound, no music, no sound effects, with the Mac version of the game, how do I fix that?

Try to un-mute your pc; but srsly, can you provide more info?

Sure, the volume is up, unmuted, checked all the settings and I’m just not getting any sound from the game, I don’t know why, the game plays perfectly well, just no sound 

This game was GREAT!!! Wish I played it sooner!
Hey Dev! I've gotten this bug twice and it always results on me having to restart the day.

Tengo una pregunta, quiero traducir el juego al español, descargué el juego y el archivo pero no sé donde ponerlo exactamente. No sé en qué carpeta ponerlo, gracias :(

No hace falta sustituir algun archivo. Descargas el juego desde el link donde pone español (está más arriba, es un link de Google Drive) y ejecutas el juego. Este ya viene en español 

no entendi como hacerlo

(1 edit) (+1)

Descarga el juego desde este enlace.

Descomprimes los archivos que tiene el .rar y ejecutas el juego. No hace falta hacer nada más pues ya viene traducido. (El link también está en esta página. Mira un poco más arriba)

(1 edit)

The base gameplay regarding the restaurant simulator part needs some quality-of-life improvements (fixing glitches regarding Z-selection especially), but the story and art is amazing! I'd love to see an art collection, or an option to download CGs! <3


Gonna be honest, I found this game completely unbearable to play; its gameplay is incredibly fiddly and tedious and just overall Not Fun. It's also not in the least bit scary. But! Every other element knocks it out of the park- it's well written, it's got very good and compelling characters and the art is fantastic. Overall probably a 5/10, "watch someone else play it" experience.


super agree with this comment--i really liked the story and characters but the gameplay is borderline unbearable, especially with how clunky it can be with how you need to interact with tables from a certain point. it also really frustrates me how hard it is to know how to get other endings without a guide--how am i supposed to know to talk to vincent when there is so much shit going on at once??

Dead plate is great all my homies love dead plate


I really love the premise and the artstyle of this game, so I really tried to make it work. The controls are hard for me to use and this might be a skill issue idk but it was hard for me to even do day two. The customers are so impatient. I wish I could change the controls to WASD, and I have to press Z multiple times to interact with something. Will probably just watch a gameplay on Youtube.


i forgive you Vince <3 very fun overall the gameplay is so fun to replay although i still cant successfully finish day 6 or 7 (ill get there eventually)

omg I love this game so far but it's so stressful ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ - excited to continue it though!!

(1 edit)

Can you make a version for ChromeOS

Really fun game! The art, gameplay and story were all very engaging. I love the mystery aspect of this game, and after I got my 1st ending, I went ahead to find the other 3. It was that good, wow, ending 3 completely stunned me! Thanks for the great game, and CONGRATS ON THE RODY PLUSHIE

Are there jumpscares in the game 0-0


no! but there is some disturbing imagery, including animal gore

this game has changed the course of my life positively 

(1 edit) (+2)

I wish there was a way to change controls, arrow keys are so hard to use


I can't seat a guest in day3. What's the matter? How can I press Z without effect?


Why can't I get food by pressing the Z key?

press an arrow up and the Z key ?




the game is super buggy for me. I cant place an order or take an order at ALL . I cant even pass the tutorial bec of it. I may be sensitive but anyone would be mad if  they can't pass the tutorial of the game bec of the game itself


had the same issue, you just have to press the arrow key again






Dude just let them like the character......

nu >:))

help why did i say this 😭

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