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new hyperfixation. thanks alot

My game keeps freezing at random times and I have to exit and restart the level in order to unfreeze it </3 is there any other way I can get it to unfreeze?

(1 edit) (+5)

helloo! i wanna know if anyone else playing on a macbook is having this problem, whenever i try to start/continue my shift it wont load and shows an error sign, and if i press z to confirm something, it goes unresponsive. i just wanna know if anyone knows how to solve this, please! :)

i'm having this exact problem too!! please help :(

Me too! I've restart it so many times and it still shows that 


open it on applications, right click then open. it might take a few times but there is always hope!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

tyy! ill try this rn and edit to see if it works :)

edit:  still doesnt work but i'll keep trying! 


if it still doesn’t work, you need to remove the game from the dock first. And then open it ! Yeahh ,it definitely takes a while but hey, it’s all worth it at the end !


It actually worked!!!! No way!! You're so awesome! 


it worked, tysm!

I cant start a game because it keeps searching for some image i cant find. Help! What should i do :(????





I absolutely love this game so much, one of my friends got me interested in the game at first but now I'm honest obsessed with it. These devs deserve the credit.



Deleted 243 days ago

Aww tysm<3
Your pfp looks awesome too

(1 edit)

Hey so I have a problem with the game. I'm a MacBook user and every time I boot up the game and try playing the game, it won't let me take orders, place the orders or even pick up the food to give to the customer. I did what was written on the instructions so the gam could run smoothly, but I've asked multiple dead plate players (most are window players) and they don't know the solution to it besides spamming the space button/Z. If there another alternate way for this problem to be solved? I really want to play this game and it looks very interesting. If all else fails then I'll just resort to watching somebody else play it 

Edit: I got the problem solved and played the whole thing. Some endings made me cry but that's because I'm an emotional person. 10/10 I love this game and the concept of it, would recommend to any horror/RPG gamers out there.

How'd you solve it? I've got the same problem 😭

There's a section in the description somewhere that says "known bugs", which explains what bugs are there and explains how to still play it even with the bugs. It helped a lot when I played, os it'll most likely help you too :)

how'd u fix this? im struggling rn trying to figure it out 

There's a section in the description somewhere that says "known bugs", which explains what bugs are there and explains how to still play it even with the bugs. It helped a lot when I played, os it'll most likely help you too :)


Forget Manon, Vincent x Rody ending when? (JOKE)




can i leave my dead gf and date the chef


this needs to be an ending


I love them so much!!!! They are a cuties!! 


Hello, dear creators of this awesome game!
I must mention that English is not my native language, so I speak with my heart and without translator. Sorry not sorry!
And now, let's start my message.

Alright, it was tough, but I did it. I saw all of the endings (even if with the help of the instruction... thank you for one, I appreciate it). 

I loved the story, I loved the sounds, I loved the music. I didn't really like gameplay, customers were becoming bored too quickly, sometimes I had to restart the day for many times, a friend of mine with whom I was playing this game even said that I looked like a maniac with that speed-of-light pressing the buttons on keyboard. It was really hard plus the system of the game itself didn't let me work sometimes (for example, when I stand near the table and the dialog with the table (I mean when you need to sit someone or to get the trash out) doesn't trigger), but somehow I believe that it's not the creator's fault but the program for creating a game's fault. But I surely had to mention it.

After so many tries and reached endings I still have a few questions and I didn't find the answer on them.

1. Who did we see in the window in Vincent's bedroom? Firstly I thought that was Rody's girlfriend, but apparently she was already dead on Monday (but why then Vincent had someone's hair in his toilet?..), so that doesn't work, I guess.  

1.2 Why Vincent started a party? Why it was over so soon after the weird shadow in the window appeared? What relationship does Vincent have with his friends?

2. The dialog between Vincent and Rody during their fight was... something. I really liked the emotions and the scene itself, it's really well-made! But some things weren't answered by Vincent. Well, I mean, I have no idea what did he think about before his death. "You will never be full. What if I was no different from anything else? I would be dead for no reason, just like her". Vincent said that he is not a parent making a meal to his kid full of love. But... isn't it what he did with Rody? He cooked his beloved girlfriend, something he LOVED, to make him happy or something like that, I guess. That is why he was so displeased when he learnt that Rody didn't eat his food at all. Maybe because he tried to make that food for Rody "with love" but didn't want to accept it? Maybe he wanted to eat Rody, because Rody was something Vincent himself liked and he hoped that emotions will change his poor taste (bcs even Vincent's friends admitted that Rody can be to his liking, otherwisely he wouldn't call him in the middle of the night to let him come to his house (and for maniacs, I guess, it is a lot...)? I don't know. Too many questions and I don't know if we can find the answers in the game, which is why I want something like chapter 2 or so...

3. I mean, Rody, ar u 4real? You want to get something to eat?? Well you could eat the love of your life, but you refused... I have no idea what you want. That's an interesting line for an ending of that kind of story though, lol. As if he wanted to eat normally all this time. But at the same time... what if he will lose his taste after that story? That would interesting. Well, yeah, that's not really a question, just my thoughts. 

I guess that's all I wanted to say. 

Wish you luck and I'm willing to know some answers, if you may give some of them to me, I would really appreciate that, even though I fully understand that sometimes we shouldn't get what we want (just like Vincent). 

Best wishes!

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

OMG. Sorry for spamming in the comments, but I have another theory now.

In the end if ending 3 we can see broken bottle of wine and two glasses. Well, I guess Vincent wanted to eat with Rody that Dead plate and see if Rody will get a taste or not. After that he could kill Rody and eat him as well.

Why so?

Vincent already told us that it doesn't matter if it's a human body or not - he's not a cannibal, he just wants to feel taste again. But that feeling is connected with another theory of Vince's life - love. He was told a lot of times that he cooks without love, but "he's not a parent that makes a meal for their kid". Yes, he is not. He is far more than that - he is a professional chief. That is why... he must cook something his client loves.


He prepared a dish with the love of Rody's life, Mannon. He wanted to know if this works out, and if so - he can try to eat Rody. I want to believe that he wasn't going to kill Rody instantly, but Vincent is a hot-tempered guy, which is why, well... he could plan something like that, even if trying to eat only a part of him (his blood or his ear) would be more convenient. 

And I noticed something else. We know that Vincent doesn't feel any taste at all, no matter what he eats. 

But after biting off Rody's ear he said: "Don't flatter yourself. It would have been better cooked."


He doesn't feel taste anyway, why was he so sure that it would taste different? Maybe because he actually felt something, huh? That is why he was so desperately approaching Rody during the last minutes of the game?

Vincent knew that he felt different after all and he wanted to taste more of Rody's body. Maybe he wouldn't kill him, but immobilize him by making severe injuries or tying him up again and getting to his place. Whatever.

Now I feel like I know why he was doing all of this... I hope that I'm close to the truth at least. 

But I still don't get who the hell was that shadow-dude in the window of Vincent's bedroom and why he ended up the party so suddenly.

Hey! sorry im having some issues with the download. it says that the file is no longer on the site, is there any way for me to be able to fix this or download it? Thanks!

i cant take orders😭

(1 edit)

ME ENCANTO! Ame <3 edit: creo que deberian editar la guia ya que no aclaran que la llamada se ve a la noche siguiente (yo pense que era en el dia 5)

hi if i download it it becomes a ZIP file any tips also its lenovo windows 10 is my laptop


Hello! I have a windows 10 too! What you do is open the zip file (double clicking or select and enter), and then open the application. I usually extract it, it just makes it run smoother. Then, you should see and un-zipped version of it. Open it, and instead of seeing the regular application symbol, it should have a logo. You can enter and it should open with no further instructions. Hope this helped!

i downloaded the mac ver i forgot to read what one thats why hehe ty for the help and idk how to take orders it did not show me(┬┬﹏┬┬)

Hello again! Sorry for the semi-late reply! But the controls should be on this page.

Ok but i never got the code to TAKE ORDERS

It should work by just walking up to the table and pressing Z. Sometimes it glitches tho, so just go to the bottom right corner of the table and press Z. That always works (for me at least)

hi, I’m sorry to bother but do you know how to put the fullscreen without the task bar please ? 🥹

Hello! So sorry for the late replies, I haven't been checking my emails. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to do that :((


toxic doomed yaoi

Oh my god this game was so good.

good gamer

I've seen people say they can't get the phone call on day 6. It won't work for me either. I re started many times and even restarted my laptop and I'm sure I did everything right.


I had this problem too for a while, then i found out you have to have triggered the trash cutscene on day 3 and talk to vincent, asking him all 3 questions, on day 4. If you can't find him on day 4 he is standing in the trash alley after the cutscene on day 4. hope this helps :)

it jus breaks in the middle of the day 5. i did rerun a couple of times, it remains the same unfortunately :( but i love this game sm rody my roman empire already

i love this game but i cant get the phone call on day 6. ive done everything i need to and it still doesnt work. 

Deleted 277 days ago

I thought that to but I’ve done everything that I’m able to I think it might be a bug

you have to trigger the trash cutscene on day 3 and talk to vince, asking him all 3 questions, on day 4 to get the phone call


This game has a deep narrative (the life of Rody, how he's a pretty messy and lazy boy) and It really makes you feel like an almost broke waiter. Now from a gameplay aspect It ain't great, it's kind of repetitive and not accurate in movements, some of the items are kind of useless (the fast boots were uncontrollable) though I liked the matches and the ending using them. The art-style was on point and overall I'll give It a 7/10 plus the item prices are accurate considering the economy of now (500 bucks for a perfume). 


Im so sad there isn't an ending where Vince and Rody ending up together


Ahhhhhh noooo I wanted an ending with vince and rody being togetherrrr...I literally was squealing with their interactions like was super cute and fun tho I loved the character designs

Me too!! I love the interaction between these two characters!

(1 edit)

they really had hannigram vibes

(1 edit) (+11)(-1)

I still think there could have been a happy ending along the way. Like, actually forming a connection with Vince, and adding the capability of cleaning your room after each day, and stuff like that. Like picking yourself off after the breakup. The more Rody works on himself, the more he can actually connect with Vince, and the better he understands what it is to cook with 'love' and also gets his taste better.  So, at the end of the week, Vince gives him a meal that actually looks like food to him, and eats it, with Rody deciding to continue working with Vince.

Weeks later, Manon goes the restaurant with her parents since they are food critics, and sees Rody doing better for himself. Bowtie actually tied. 

Since her time of death was left ambiguous, in this timeline she very well could have not been killed at all.

The ending doesn't elaborate if Rody is with Vince, nor if Manon wants to rekindle things. It just shows Rody actually having sorted himself out.


I was thinking about it too, actually!! But I wouldn't mind Manon being dead, actually, I love these kind of plots where the protagonist stops giving shit to that or just accepts it. Or never learns... 

Your idea is really cool, I'd like to see it as well!

I saw a tt talking about this game and i felt like it had a very familiar artstyle, I am so delighted to see its by the same person who made Elevator Hitch!! (Elevator Hitch is so fkn good, Highly looking foward to playing Dead plate!!!!)

(1 edit) (+2)

Just got all four endings! (and I think i found a few secrets)  Overall... AMAZING !!  The sprites were so good, the soundtrack was nice, and there was great detail put into it!  I love both Vincent and Rody as characters (though I feel bad about Rody's situation with his ex-gf :( ).  I think i kinda know why Vincent was doing what he did, but I wont fully assume.  Thank you to the amazing people who were involved in making this phenomenal game!  I hope to play more games like this in the future, especially with your delectable artsyle!! or perhaps more updates with more special endings  :3


vince and rody are in love.

10/10 game


Thanks for the new hyperfixation! Great game! Fun fact; i'm going to eat the art ;D

(2 edits)

This is amazing!The pictures, the soundtrack and the story are great!I love this game!!

Everytime i try to download it it gets an error that says:  "The file was not accessable on the webside"(or something like that, my browser isnt english). I even downloaded this thing, but it still gets an error. Its my internet thats not good, or is it something else?

(1 edit) (+2)

I love the art, both the pixel one and the drawn one. I haven't seen this kind of pixel art style in horror rpgs yet. I also love the challenging aspect of the resteraunt tycoon aspect, day 6 really became suprisingly stressful. It was also greatly appreciated to see an offical ending guide! I would definetly struggled otherwise and probably missed the nice story tie up of Ending 3. 

My only critique would be that there is no WASD control option, which would have been more comfortable to play with imo.

All in all a really nice game, definetly recommend it! 


This game is so worth it to play. The art style alone caught my attention and the gameplay plus the storyline made me stay. Now I'm off to check out Rachel's other lovely games. Definitely download it today!


idk if its just my laptop but whenever i try to click Z i have to click it multiple times to interact great game tho!


maybe its just me but its a little buggy, but the game is so pretty and all the colors and artstyle makes it so fun to play!

does anyone know why the phone wont ring for me on day 6? I thought it was a glitch so I've replayed a new shift again from day 1 but nothing

nvm I forgot to trigger an event

What was the event? I can't get him to call either=

If u look at the official ending titles and check the official ending guide google doc to make sure you triggered all the events, I forgot to ask if he liked his job :(

I forgot to go into his office :(

i got the quit ending and i'm just bad at just delivering and making food and stuff so yeah i'm bad😢

Im on a windows 10 and ive tried redownloading sm times but i always wind up not having it work, it keeps saying iamge error and that whenever i drag it to my laptop hoemscreen it sasy the names are in some other langage.. maybe its a locale problem

it was NOT  locale issue.. still getting problems

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