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anyone know how to turn the ticket order thing in I cant figure it out:(

nvm i figured it out this is a great game


I LOVE THIS GAME SM!! The control were a little hard to get used to (I prefer the ASWD format) but it only took me a few runs to familiarize myself with it! Took me a while to get all the ending and sooo worth it!! Everything from the music, game play and the characters themselves were awesome! And imagine my surprise when i fed the rat (⊙_⊙)


can we get an ending where rody and vince date? please????




The game got me to scream and everything. Also, I love Rody and fuck Vince (literally).


am I lying tho

no ;D


This game’s aesthetics, visuals, and character designs are fantastic. I love the setting and dynamic between the leads. Which is why I’m so torn about finding the rest of the game lacking. The janky gameplay controls being frustrating is the most severe drawback. Other than fixing the controls, I think adding an easy mode or a hint regarding the catalogue would help alleviate this.

I like what I see of the story so far but I think there could be just… more. When I saw the endings, I could only think, “That’s it?” I was expecting some world building or characterization and relationship development, then ended up  finding everything superficial. The homoerotic cannibalism drew me in, especially after playing a similar game, so it’s a little disappointing that their story felt incomplete at the end. Rody and Vince’s relationship is easily the most compelling aspect of this game, so more content of them would be appreciated.

Still, I look forward to your future works due to the interesting concepts and top-notch art.

Espanol plis..!?

Does anyone know how long customers wait until leaving? I can't beat day 2 bc they keep leaving too quick for me :(  Or do u guys have any tips on how to manage the customers for day 2 (Im lit so bad at this game 😭)


I recommend equipping the cologne, it makes the customers stay for a bit longer! and when you move hold down shift to sprint. :D

it wont let me pick up the food

anybody know why this keeps crashing? im playing on a mac which usually has issues like this with other games, if anybody knows how to fix this it'd b greatly appreciated 


Please make an easier mode! The colliders are super confusing, but I love this game I just can't play it, it's so hard, and I waste time by missing to click on the right spot.

AHHH I REALLY LOVE THIS GAME!! Even though I had to play 7hours to finish the entire game IT WAS WORHT ITTT!! (I forget that I have sprint on shift and I didn't realize that this catalogue was interactable and I could buy upgrades so i played this 7 days without sprint and buffs BUT I MADE IT EVEN SO (after second run I realize that I have sprint and buffs so it came faster to get 2nd, 3rd and 4th ending) but yeah!!! I love this story and hope for more!!!!!


i really want to ask if the bug with object interaction is gonna be fixed cuz i really love the artstyle, story but the gameplay makes me flustrated when im trying to interacts with the surroundings and it just doesnt work :'(((


Does anyone know how to get the easter egg after shift on day 3 ? This one:

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This CG/easter egg is not a part of the official game and it doesn't exist, we didn't work on this art. I've realized some videos on Youtube say it's a part of the game but it's misinformation and they shouldn't be trusted.

Oh! Thank you for that info! :)


ive run into a glitch where once the costumers are ready to pay, instead of standing up at the cash register, they just stand up where they were sitting. this makes me unable to take their money and after a little bit they leave due to me taking too long. my friend said that the same thing has been happening for them too.


the same was been happening to me, i just closed the game and then booted it back up and it was working again

what was used to make this game? i'm a little new to game development, but my guess is some form of python(or made in rpg maker)


i think it's made in rpg maker. the game executables icon is the icon of rpg maker mv


The BL lover in me is currently dreaming for a way to date Vincent. Maybe to get an ending like this you would have to eat the leftover that you get every day and tell Vincent your thoughts. By being the perfect employee and asking Vincent more about himself then on the 6/7th day Vincent would invite you over just for the sake of inviting you over. You both are currently sitting down, eating a meal that Vincent prepared. After excusing yourself from the table you decide to go and be nosy and look around Vincent’s room. When you look out the window you see your “Ex Girlfriend”. Being spooked by this you talk to Vincent a bit more about her. As you sit back down at the table Vincent stands up and starts to fix the mcs hair and clothes while the questions he starts to ask the MC about himself, his ex girlfriend and cooking become more personal. I can imagine an ending where Vincent shows some of the Ex girlfriend love letter note and frames her in an awful light. “She used me as a rebound and now she’s onto the next guy” and Vincent gets to be the amazing shoulder to cry on while the mc bawls his eyes out. This ending could be “Ignorance is bliss” and you get this by believing everything that Vincent says. I think this ending would end in a kiss 😘 my goodness I have issues and read too much Bl 


This is a cool concept and all but I can't possibly imagine this being implemented due to this game being a horror/psychological (+strategy?) game rather than a dating/romance simulator. This would more so be a concept for a fan-game or fanfic than the actual canon itself. No hate, of course, I like this concept a lot and I myself like the Rody and Vincent pairing, but its just not very realistic

Oh definitely, that paragraph was mainly my fan fiction reading brain going “……..what if……”. I’m also kind of a sucker for romance stories that have horror or darker aspects. Logically in the time the story is set there’s a pretty low chance the couple would work, pair that with murder and eating people and yeah…BUT a girl can dream of a spin off or fan fiction  with different endings and romance


fanfic writer?


ok what the fuck is this absolute horse manure. youre gonna tell me you want a BL ENDING TO THIS and YOURE A WOMAN who READS TOO MUCH BL. nah. THIS IS TOO FAR. I am smelling FETISHIZER and you need to go outside immediately and rub up on some grass. do you realize how fucking insane you sound talking about a romantical storyline with a fucking cannibalistic murderer. and talkint anout jow comforting he would be, when he displays ABSOLUTELY NO COMFORTING QUALITIES and he is DRY AS FUCK in conversation. he does not care about ANYONE, honestly, especially people who make mistakes BECAUSE HE ALMOST BURNED A COOKS FACE OFF BECAUSE HE MADE A MISTAKE, AND JUST BECAUSE YOY FIND OUT HES CANONICALLY GAY YOU COME UP IN HERE WITH THIS NASTY FUCKING FETISHY COMMENT. THIS IS A HORROR GAME NOT SOMETHING TO FULFILL YOUR WEIRD FANTASIES.AND ANOTHER THING why are all of you creepy fucks talking about shipping rody and vince WHEN NEITHER OF THEM DISPLAY ANY SIGN OF BEING ROMANTICALLY INTERESTED IN ONE ANOTHER, let alone being PLATONICALLY, like they are not even friends!!!??? youre telling me you want them to be in a romantic relationship even after knowing that vince murdered rody’s ex girlfriend and tried to feed her remains to him in order to gain his sense of taste back after also WANTING TO MURDER RODY AND COOK AND EAT HIM. HE BIT OFF HIS FUCKING EAR AND RODY WAS ANDOLUTRLY FINISHED HE WAS REPULSED BY THIS MAN, HE STABBED HIM IN THE NECK WITH A FUCKING BOTTLE AND SET HIM ON FIRE AND YOU WANT THEM TO KISS AND GO ON CUTE LITTLE DATES LIKE THATS A FUCKING NORMALCTHING TO WANT??? NO!!! THATS DISGUSTING AND ALL OF YOU SHOULD BE DEEPLY ASHAMED TO YOUR CORE. i swear, in games like these, theres always these fucks who see two men and immediately want them to fall in love SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE MEN and this is MOSTLY WOMEN WHO WANT THIS because THEYRE FUCKING FETISHIZERS who dont give a FUCK about the actual story.


whoa buddy a guy too and i found the pairing of what if they got together intriguing. ofc it wont be realistic and if it had to happen it'll be a very twisted ending like rody is in ignorance while vincent prolly did kill the ex...which is not a good outcome either but relax ofc i get the fetishisation part but i dont think the op meant it that way.


this is one of the cringiest comments I've ever read in my life


I’ve been thinking about this game all day!! (Potential game spoilers) A fun ending idea I was day dreaming about is one that would have to do with the rat’s because there’s one day where you have the option to shoo a rat away or give it cheese. That just got me thinking!!! I’m pretty sure there’s a mousetrap by the garage can outside (I could totally be mistaken) but if there was the option to throw the mousetrap outside away, give the rats cheese and maybe before leaving for work on the first day, leave cheese in the garage can then on day 2/3 whenever the mc (sorry I’m bad with names) cuts his hand by taking the trash out , I can imagine rats dragging the girlfriends half eaten head out of the trash can. I wonder how all the chefs would react or if they already kinda know what’s happening… Maybe they would all just stare in shock for a second before getting back to work….anyways I can imagine the mc just falling to the floor in shock and there would be 2 ending options depending on your dialogue choices. Since Vincent has some sort of obsession with the mc I can imagine an ending where Vincent kind of kidnaps/takes the mc back to his house and Vincent uses him as a taste tester for differ food he makes trying to see how he can make food that has “emotions” and “love”. The second ending involve finding a way to not let Vincent kill you and escaping the restaurant, ending in a news article about the story of the restaurant

(2 edits) (+1)



its so amazing

the art style, the characters, the plot, the background music, 

everything! everything was so damn good

i loved playing this and it was a very enjoyable game, from the serving in the resturant to being chased by vincen.

the serving was a bit challenging in the start but i think it was just the right amount (afterall there always needs to be some challenges in games 😉)

I myself didnt find it that hard after playing some few rounds

everthing was just at the right amount.

And the ending were just SO DAMN GOOD 

i really did not expect some of them!!

i love this game and the creator so much that i downloaded all the games





I really love the game and the story line and was looking forward to playing it however the controls make it nearly impossible to do so, You need to be standing at a certain angle in order to have any of the interactions work and the (Z) key often times doesn't do anything which leads to me clicking the same thing over and over and not being able to get past the first day. I love the game and story a lot and iv'e taken a huge interest in it but the controls leave it virtually un playable.

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im playing on mac and is anyone else struggling with the z/interaction key? ive had to retry the first waiter scene 3 times and i still cant clear it due to not being able to pick up the food no matter what i do. is there just something wrong with my mac?

edit: nvm i figured it out, apparently i needed to "face" the way of the dish before clicking z to pick it up

wait what do you mean face the way? Cause I had the same issue but with my windows computer 


press the arrow keys so that youre "facing" towards the dish, as if you were walking towards it.

so does that mean my back should be facing the customers?

im pretty sure the protagonist sprite can only actually face one way, so no.

lol sorry I was just curious cause when I go up with the late that’s empty facing the food and press x or click with the mouse or anything it won’t let me pick it up but I can do everything else in the game. It’s weird…?

Even though it'll probably never come, I hope that this game will get a mobile port. I really wanted to play it but since my computer isn't in the best condition, I haven't gotten to.




(1 edit)

Just finished all the endings. This was a super fun game and the story was really cool!! Nice Work :33 (I LOVE THE CHARACTERS SO MUCH)

I don't know of this is for anyone else but me, but I can't play the game due to my keyboard. I can't use the arrow keys I only have WASD. Make me sad because I was so excited to play! 

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As much as I like the style, gameplay and story…it’s just too hard, I’m sorry. I’d appreciate if you could at least customize the controls, because for me it’s impossible to sprint, while also being able to easily reach the confirmation button (Z). In addition to that, it’s hard to confirm things anyways. I have to stand in a specific position to even be able to do anything. If I’m even slightly off the correct positioning, it won’t work and I lose a bunch of time, and with that also customers. 

I don’t know if I’m just bad at it, but for me it’s not enjoyable if I’m not able to play correctly with easier to use controls :/

For me personally as well!! Because of my 60% style of keyboard, I was unable to play the game because I can't use WASD. I wish there was a setting menu to change key binds or anything to make the actual game easier. 

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me too i felt the same!! i really wanted to play because the story seems amazing but i am not capable of doing the waiter stuff :(((( 

honestly i wish there was a option with just the novel part or without the "not enough money to pass the level" because its so  hard to play


I don't know if this will help, but here are some general tips for anyone struggling:

1. You don't need to serve every customer to completion. If you serve them to completion you get a tip of 25 but you don't really NEED the tip to complete the goal. Each plate served gives you 50 of the currency, use math to figure out which customers you should serve and ignore.

2. There's a catalog on the table in Rody's apartment. I clicked around so much and didn't see it. If you buy things from the catalogue you can make the game easier, although you might wanna save up for matches.

3. Make sure you're always pressing the WASD or arrow keys to interact with stuff. You can't just click Z you also need to be pressing up or whatever.

There might be more to say but that's just what I noticed! Hope this can help any struggling players.

I also had this issue! I was really excited to play but unfortunately the controls were to difficult for me to use or play the game which saddens me because the story is fairly good. :(


I LOVED IT but damn, my hands were shaking while serving customers... 


finally done all the endings and oh my god i love this game


what do i press to play the game?? please help :,(


it wont let me download and idk what to do :(


i cant give orders to the chefs :(

same omg, i pressed every key and restarted the game, still nothing worked :'(

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omg i just figured it out!! you have to press arrow up before pressing z!


The game looks great but idk if im just dumb bc everytime i try and click z to give the orders to the chefs it never works i havent even gotten past the tut yet

I had the same problem too. Try pressing the up arrow before clicking z! 

omg it works now tysm!! <<33333

you're welcome :3

I love this game! but I feel dumb when I buy everything but don't know I must equip to use it lol 


what should I do it won’t allow me to pick up the plate in the tutorial when I press the Z button and I tried to re starting the game and looking up the controls. 

go to the bottom right corner of the table! Then press Z!!


Am I going to be obsessed with this game for the next 2 weeks? yes. Smash x100


new hyperfixation. thanks alot

My game keeps freezing at random times and I have to exit and restart the level in order to unfreeze it </3 is there any other way I can get it to unfreeze?

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helloo! i wanna know if anyone else playing on a macbook is having this problem, whenever i try to start/continue my shift it wont load and shows an error sign, and if i press z to confirm something, it goes unresponsive. i just wanna know if anyone knows how to solve this, please! :)

i'm having this exact problem too!! please help :(

Me too! I've restart it so many times and it still shows that 


open it on applications, right click then open. it might take a few times but there is always hope!

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tyy! ill try this rn and edit to see if it works :)

edit:  still doesnt work but i'll keep trying! 


if it still doesn’t work, you need to remove the game from the dock first. And then open it ! Yeahh ,it definitely takes a while but hey, it’s all worth it at the end !


It actually worked!!!! No way!! You're so awesome! 


it worked, tysm!

I cant start a game because it keeps searching for some image i cant find. Help! What should i do :(????
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