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Super atmospheric - well done.


The fun is infinite because the elevator goes on forever


Phenomenal game! Artsyle's lovely, puzzles are great, and the story and atmosphere is awesome! Can't wait to check out the rest of your library, great job on this


This game was amazing! Wonderful artstyle, fun puzzles and really cool soundtracks, I also love how the dialogues changes! Just that the 14th ending didn't seem to work? I saw other comments having the same problems so I hope it'll be fixed soon, I'm really excited to see it.

Oh plus I want to kiss the gray interviw-


This game is so good!!! I love the art style and the puzzles, the music also helped greatly to set the mood! 10/10 would replay again and again-


Why doesn't there so many pictures on the left wall in my game? Does that mean I haven't gotten through all endings?


this game? solid 10/10, voiced it with a few buddies in vc one night and it was a blast. highly suggest checking it out! Been fixating on it for a few days now and that's not gonna stop any time soon-

the art style is quite pleasing to look at and the characters are all great in their own way!! every new piece of dialog is 

also protags reaction to the little cross above his bed has lead to some wonderful debates about his upbringing (and also a few headcanons-)

super excited for when the 15th ending will be available/playable!


The game was really fun-- but the 14th ending didn't work for me like. At all. I tried a few things but couldn't figure out what I was meant to do, even after getting all other endings. There's not even any information about it online-- really frustrating.
Still, a solid 10/10 game.


The game started upside down for me for some reason? Thought it might've been a gimmick until more and more text displayed upside down ^^"

That's a really weird bug, I don't think anyone got that before- thank you for letting me know! Have you tried redownloading?

This is incredibly good-- but how do I look up? I've been trying to press FN and up, but it just turns up my brightness.

Hi there!! Super honored to hear that you find the game enjoyable!

The fn/look up and down function is totally optional so if it still doesn't work after few retries it won't be a problem when playing the game so you can not worry about it and proceed, sorry for the confusion/inconvenience! 

for me the pg up and pg down buttons worked but not the arrow keys, I figured it out completely on accident since they're so close together but hopefully that helps u figure things out

Maybe you can try to press pgup/pgdn to look up/down. In my computer, they really work.


It baffles me how this was only made in a month, the art is amazing and the puzzles were the right balance of challenging and doable. The hints after you die in a room are also very appreciated, haha. The perfect balance of horror, humor, and worldbuilding. Great work :)

(1 edit) (+1)

i love the art style of this game!! I will admit I did have some trouble with figuring out where I could move around and getting stuck on some of the puzzles but I got it eventually. I dont know if I need to trigger something to get the 14th ending to play or if i just didnt get all the endings. I love the how our character knows when they died and says new things after restarting, makes rereading the dialog worth it plus they sometimes say new things when you go to the floor they died on too which is really nice. The up and down keys dont seem to work so I hope that it isn't really that important to the game.

I had to restart the game because I couldn't get the "No Smoking" ending due to the blondie giving me his lighter, so I restarted the game; After that, I couldn't seem to get the obnoxious blondie's lighter at all! When I tried to ask for it, he would act like his jerk self, and the screen would freeze. I don't know if the game is messing with me or if my laptop sucks. Help;-; 




I absolutely love how the wall to the right passive-aggressively updates with each death. 

(1 edit) (+1)



I just realized that the main characters are Red and Blue (dialogue text color)... and then they switch to Blue Red with the doppelgangers...interesting


Oof, I played the Mac version for waaay too long before realizing it wasn't working the way it was meant to and the game wasn't supposed to reset after every dead end.

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed Elevator Hitch! Great art style and visuals, stellar use of liminal space to create an eerie atmosphere, a lot of fun endings to play through (#12 was my personal favorite). The coworker was a really fun companion to interact with too. The premise of the game gave me Stanley Parable and Backrooms vibes, while still feeling entirely fresh and unique. Definitely one of my favorites from the Spooktober jam!


Despite my confusion with the controls at the beginning, I really liked the mystery and puzzles. The characters were really charming too (in their own way :D)! The retro-vibes and style of the characters made me feel nostalgic.💜


really loved that one! checked it out because of a tweet by the user kirvias.

the artstyle is insanely cool, charming and matches the game well. its very good aesthetically - i loved its portrayal of like... the picture of that high brow office job? and how its flashed out in 9th floor. great stuff!!

i think i had some trouble with getting the final ending, but that might have been intentional? i didnt get the final screen i think. no interactions were possible after entering the fire exit, just sounds of footsteps.

overall i just really loved it! a wonderful treat for the spooky season, ill recommend it to my friends! my favourite ending was the REAL one i think :DD

hi!! what do i do if my keyboard does not have a FN key ?


Hi there!! In that case the fn/look up and down function is totally optional so it won't be a problem when playing the game so you can not worry about it and proceed, sorry for the confusion/inconvenience! 


thank you so much!!! :)) and no worries :) love the game so far :D


i really enjoyed this game! it was so much fun and i love point and click games, the art style, and the guide was super helpful since i got stuck sometimes :)) i would love to play through it again to get the secret ending, but in the mean time, keep up the good work <33 


Hey there played your game cuz of the spooktober game jam and it was really fun! Trying to get all the endings was a challenge as the last secret ending I thought was a bug LOL so I just closed my game. But a lot of work and creativity is in this best of luck. Here's my video with another game - 

The Mac version is broken. It can play but when I die and press "new game" it resets the game from the start (literally the opening narration, etc.). This wouldn't be a problem but to get the scissors, you have to die and come back. Since the game isn't keeping track of deaths, I am unable to get the scissors (even when I talk to co-worker etc.). Other than that, this game looks great. Wish I could play it though.

Hi there! Thank you for letting me know- There is a solution to that! In order for your game to run as it should it needs to be able to autosave itself but for the mac version if you download it the wrong way the saving function doesn't work at all, ultimately fully resetting every time you die without remembering what you did past run. 

I wrote it in the download instructions already that when you download the zip file, you need to extract the zip file into a folder- and when you open the folder, drag the "game" file (only the game file not the entire folder) out from that folder and into your applications folder. Once you get the game file in the applications folder, try to open the game file there- if it doesn't open continue clicking until it does and it'll eventually let it run. If you did this the right way then your game'll be able to save and let the game run/progress normally! Try redownloading and follow those steps again? Hope this was helpful!! 


I got all of the endings/deaths/posters except for number 14. That's weird, I could've sworn that getting all of the other endings will play a secret cutscene or something.

Also, it's You're, not Your.


Hi!! Thank you for checking out the game, it means a lot!! And yeah I've been getting feedbacks of the secret ending/cutscene not playing even you got all the deaths/endings so I'm currently trying to fix it, hopefully I can update it soon! Thank you for letting me know! (And the typo of "Your" was on purpose!! Gives it a more uncanny/"something is off" kind of vibes :] )

Is this fixed?


Adding on to this for typo list, 1) after picking up the phone -> "deliver" 2) sparing the rat -> "peeks"




this was such an amazing game! i absolutely love games that have multiple interpretations and i love the floor that had the doppelgangers in it, the banging was so eerie 
wonder game, i recommend!!


this is such a good game, i love love love the art! did notice one typo though, ending 13 says that it's ending 12 in the game - amazing work though this is awesome

(1 edit) (+1)

I got all end I think the fire exit will help them but I wait for them to walk 5 minutes it only emptiness how sad. I love when we can let mice live how cute. I will play your old games too.


this game just blew my mind holy fuck


I... I didn't survive very long :D

I love the aesthetics and the idea behind the exploration. It didn't feel super intuitive to get into and It'd be better if you didn't have to use fn to move the camera up and down. I'm assuming there's a reason for it though and I'm sorry if you've already heard that a 1000 times already :D

I'm generally not much of completionist, and I don't love it when games let you fail so early on. But you've definitely created something really interesting here so I will have to give this a few more tries.


Thank you for giving the game a try, it means a lot! I getcha, the whole game was developed around the idea of having to go through trial-and-error without prior instructions or hints (just like in real world workplace where you need to be mature and navigate all on your own)- But don't worry, the game autosaves itself so that no progress have been actually lost even if you did die/restart so hopefully it doesn't come off as too frustrating for you! The game does require you to fail in order to learn!! 


That is kind of genius then and I think I might just need to toughen up :D Will def give it some more runs.


Fantastic game!!!! I'm having a super fun time playing it! The atmosphere is immaculate, the character design/expressions/dynamics are fantastic, and the sound design!!! It's been awhile since I've played something so interesting :> one question though, regarding Ending 12; I had been playing the game while only skimming through the guide when I needed it and told my coworker I trusted him (he's silly n I like him) - do I have to restart the whole game in order to get all the endings since I missed that ending? If so, I don't mind, I'm enjoying the game either way :>

Thank you so much for checking the game out, I'm so so honored that you enjoy it!! 

The game will automatically reset once you see ending 1, but it still will remember all the posters you collected even if everything else are set to the beginning- so while yes you still have to go through some puzzles and dialogues in order for you to get to the point where you could get any endings you missed the game will know all the deaths/endings you've seen so far (even if you didn't see them in this new run)! So you can just see the any endings you missed. Hope this was helpful!! 


It was very helpful, thanks a ton!!!! 

heyy im loving the atmosphere of the game so far, unfortunately i cant seem to look up/down? i have the fn key but 1) that controls the brightness on my computer and 2) when i try to use the keys regardless they dont work except for left/right; any tips? i really wanna play  

Hey!! I'm honored that you find the atmosphere enjoyable, it means a lot! And oh no I'm so sorry to hear that you're having technical difficulties! The fn look up/down key is a totally optional function, it doesn't really matter to play or progress the game normally so if it doesn't work you don't have to worry too much about it! You can still continue! 


thank you! i'll get to playing the game then 

Hey, i'm just really confused what to do after i got all the endings to get the secret ending

Hi there!! I'm honored to hear that you played through the game, thank you for checking it out!! The secret ending should automatically play itself once you restart the game after getting all the endings/posters- but I've been hearing that few others are having the same problem of not getting it. Thank you for letting me know, I'll try to look more into it and fix it for the next build! It's nothing that important so you're not missing out too much!! Thank you once again for playing! 


Thanks for the reply!


Love love love this game! so creepy and funky.

Had some issues with the secret ending though,

I restarted the game after doing all of the endings and still have the poster wall but i cant figure out what i missed because i did all of them. would there be a way to record the secret ending or put up a photo of the wall so i can see what im missing? (I dont have the fn key so i can't look up in the 3d mode)

You don't need to look up, you can just press Z to interact with the wall.

Ah, I didn't explain myself properly. I meant I need a photo of the pixelated wall before you interact with it, as it has a picture of all the posters you can get, but once I interact with it I only see the posters that I already have and I'm trying to work out which one im missing since i was like 99% sure i got them all.

I think you're missing the poster for ending 14? It's bugged rn.

(1 edit) (+2)

Everything about this game is so well done and it was overall an absolute treat to play. Incorporates horror in an office setting in a perfectly atmospheric way.

What first drew me in was the art - the art style is super cute, so when the tone changes it really catches you off guard with the more creepy CGs. I love the variation in sprite poses, character expressions, and of course, the vast number of CGs you see throughout your playthrough. Truly a feast for the eyes. Then, there's the music. Every single track in this game encapsulates the floor's atmosphere absolutely perfectly. What really stood out to me were floor 4 and 8's tracks; the way they put a childish/glitchy spin on the main theme really makes those floors off-putting. My favorite thing, though, is the dialogue/characters. The humor they add is a great breather in between all the creepy stuff. Particularly love the recurring gag with the coworker giving us fake names, and also how there's special dialogue if you keep the rat alive!

The only criticism I have is that, like many others here, ending 14 did not activate upon a new playthrough (I did triple check I got all deaths), but I did read the dev's comment about what the ending entails so it's no biggie. One other minor thing is that you can't re-check the telephone number after closing out of its window, so I had to find it in the guide since I misread the first '9' as a '4'. But like I said, it's no big deal.

TLDR; Play this game, you won't regret it! Great art + great ost + great dialogue + great execution!


Thank you so much! I'm so glad you put your thoughts in this very well-written text!

The child room floor was really fun for me to compose, mixing the music box with some child SFX!

(2 edits) (+5)

Really enjoyed this, I love time prison and office settings so getting both was a real treat (especially with how it highlights The Horror Of Working In An Office). A long time ago I watched Jim Henson’s The Cube and this really reminded me of the Strange And Uncanny Vibes in that movie. 

I was about to type ‘in particular, I loved—’ but realized I’d list practically everything. The music is perfectly atmospheric, especially when it got warped (and I really liked the music box version). The art style is super expressive and fun, definitely worked well when horror elements amped up. I liked how bite-sized the loops were (in some cases, literally), and the characters made such a strong impression. I love how annoying and insufferable your companion is, would love to push him down several flights of stairs. I think my favorite bit of writing was giving the answer ‘I’m irreplaceable’ and the interviewer bringing up the scissors. I also really liked floor 4 for how well it Implied Things about the main character’s experiences, very effective backstory hints.

While playing this (by backseat gaming while my sister actually played it), we did miss ending 4 and 6 before getting ending 1, but after getting sent to the beginning with all the posters on the wall and getting the missing endings, we still weren’t able to get ending 14. I triple checked, and we definitely got them all (including the 3a/3b variations). The only potential discrepancy we didn’t follow up on was that we got the hole ending with nothing in our inventory, so we technically didn’t put anything in the hole. Of course it’s entirely possible that despite all my checking, we did, in fact, miss something obvious, but I figured I’d note this in case it was relevant. Oh, also when we clicked on the cake and selected ‘no’ for picking it up, the cake stayed on the screen while we were moving around until we clicked back and took the cake.

Great job with this one, really glad to have played it :)


Really enjoyed this game! Great Atmosphere and lots of fun deaths.


had a great time playing this game with my friends and wow,,, really like funky chars and locations!!
tho i also wanted to ask, was there any inspiration taken from the magnus archives? (I MEAN IT IN A NICEST WAY POSSIBLE PLS PLS) or maybe im just imagining things (;;
still, thr game is amazing uwaagh you did a great job!!!!;;;; <3


This game was a delight! I really love the atmosphere and am a sucker for elevator-related horrors <33 Your character designs are *chef's kiss* I love themmm <333 Keep up the good work! I really love the game ^^


this game was so fun!! i love love love the art style and unique gameplay :3


I really liked this game overall!! Loved the atmosphere and art

Just a question about ending 14: I'm pretty sure I did all the other endings (used a checklist to keep track), but after finishing the 'Escape' ending, a small cutscene played, credits rolled and the game went back to the title. I pressed on 'New Game' but instead of getting ending 14, all the game data was erased and I had to restart? I'm not sure if this was a bug or if I did miss an ending by accident which is why it reset ;;


I'm so glad you enjoyed the game!! And oh no!! Did it fully reset? Is the wall of the posters you collect for each endings still there with all your previous posters? If so, it means you missed something and didn't get every ending yet! 


Thank you so much for that!! I just checked and the posters are all intact, so I definitely missed something so thats on me lol :,D
Otherwise just wanted to say this game is really amazing and one of my all time favourite indies now ^^

i went through all the endings in one route and didnt get the secret route, did I do something wrong?

When you restarted the game even after you saw the escape ending/credits- was the wall of posters that you collect for every ending/death still there? If so, it means you still missed something! 

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