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help theres no game when i download it, just game.exe 😭😭  


Open that one. That´s the game.


genuinely one of the best escape room games i've played

(4 edits)

Casual Bongos.


I can't start the game from the game.exe file


please help, everytime I try to open the game it just quits automatically (i'm on mac) after I redownloaded the game what do i do??


being trapped inside of an elevator with an obnoxious guy right before a job interview in a never ending hell scape sounds like my worst nightmare but this game makes the idea sound fun

(1 edit)

My stupid ass got stuck 'cause I didn't read the tutorials and therefore didn't know that I could pan the camera🥲 loved that part where he snapped 

love how much personality this game had + the 2.5d, can't wait to play more from you guys

I love it 

Dastish fantastish


i dont have the Fn key on my keyboard how can i go 3d then

i found using pg up and pg down worked. not sure why it says that in the controls. :/

Amazzzzzing game! All the ending were hilarious and well made. Love the hidden meanings 😍😍


Awww, I got all endings but couldn't get ending 14😖😖

(Yes I checked the ending guide and made sure I have all posters and deaths.) 

:'((( noooooooooooo


Rachel,your game is a masterpieces!!

(I agree with u angel!


i absolutely love every game of you rachel, you make masterpieces onggg


can you just play on icho or do you have to download cuz thee downloads wont work with me


Played this game awhile back ago but I just recently made an itch account so I'm commenting to show my support, this game is by far my favorite Studio Investigrave/racheldrawsthis game

If you havent already PLEEEAAASSEEE go play it, you will not regret it <333


I love elevator hitch, I watched the gameplays and theories of the game several times. Although I can't play it because I don't know how to speak English, because I speak Spanish. It is still a very entertaining game. So if you speak English or any of the languages the game is translated into, I recommend it 100%.

Immaculate! I loved playing this game!


Hey I need help..

The thing is that I'm new with playing on laptop and idk what I'm doing with the controls buttons, I opened the game and started playing but I'm stuck at the beginning where the game first switched to 3d and Idk how to progress idk what to do


I used page up, page down buttons to see 3D. The controls say fn+up and down buttons, but page up and down only worked for me.

Genteeee!!!!! alguém pode me ajudar eu já baixei o jogo em todos os idiomas e está tendo o mesmo problema quando coloco para iniciar/play a tela entorta ficando impossível ler e ver os diálogos, alguém sabe oque pode ser


idk if anyone can help unfortunately,im on mac and i've done everything, I keep trying to launch the game but every time i do it just opens a blank "game" application with no windows or anything, it just says game :( idk if anyone else has had the same, ive got the app, ive moved the 'game' file to applications, moved it back and used to launch it, idk man, id really love to play this. idk if its the type of mac im usin or smth otherwise. it also happens with dead plate and married in red :((

hi not sure if this will help but i'm also a mac player the method i use is to right-click the game to open, then it'll says the file cannot be open so you would have to go to system > privacy&security > scroll down you'll find section where it say the file cannot be open with the 'open anyway' button. After you clicked that you just have to try open the game repeatedly, the first three of four times the game will start but turn black screen after a few seconds so you have to keep trying then it'll work perfectly fine. hope this help!

Her magnum opus! So good, the character interactions are so realistic and the story has some nice commentary. 10/10! Would recommend. 


I cannot turn left/right or up/down on mac :( maybe im doing something wrong but i need help


EDIT: I learnt how. when youre "looking down" you can turn. I didnt realize it worked like that.

(1 edit) (+1)

i love this game however I cant look around in windows and it's preventing me from playing further can someone help

Wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised.

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So I kinda need help? When I download the game in the folder it only appears "Game.exe" and "Game", is it safe for me to click Game.exe? Or is something wrong with my download.

Update: So uh, I decided to click and everything but then since it didn’t work I tried to delete it but that ALSO didn’t work so ahah.. I think I ended up getting a virus but I found a way to delete it with the help of my friend’s. If any of y’all know how to do this without getting the “Game.exe” please let me know, this also happened to me with cold front so I had to find a way to play it somewhere else.

hello!! i may be able to help hehe

idk if you have figured it out by now, but i'm assuming you downloaded this game from the web (i, too, downloaded another game made by the creator of this one! its "married in red") bc downloading games from the website results with a folder in your downloads. you actually need a "launcher", or in simpler terms the app version of itch. just search up ' app' and the link for desktop app should pop up :D

hopefully this helps :))


Hihi thank you so much for the reply!! I’ll try it as soon as I can ^_^


could someone help me??

after i die there is supposed to be a cutscene after i hit new game (the one where protag is confused about what just happened) but whenever i die it just resets the game. does anyone know how to fix this or if im doing something wrong??? (i play on mac btw)

(1 edit)

great game, no notes, but i'm currently spending my entire night trying to get ending 14. please know that you need to get the parents ending before finding the sleeping pill or you can't get it, and that you need to get the butchered ending before getting the screwdriver. don't make my mistakes...


i did everything right and there's nothing new i want to kill myself

i was able to get both without getting those endings so idk what youre talking about

(2 edits)

yea, i meant that if you want completion, you need those endings before getting the items or the endings become unavailable /nm




Ive loved elevator hitch for a long time now, but after playing rot in paradise and having that game resonate with me so much, it made me look back and look at elihitch with fresh eyes.

i havent had a good chance to replay it after playing RIP, but even from just what i remember theres so much hiding underneath the surface that i completely missed, all because i was looking at it from the surface.

its a given that we don't get any clear information on protags past. most of the analysis i see is from floor 4, which makes sense. the cross above the bed and how protag reacts to it indicating a bad and unfortunate past with religion and the ending four: parents are the two i see most often, and there are other things that some people pay attention to on this floor, including the sleeping pills themselves (personally i think they hint to protags deeper problems with anxiety and how its effected his sleep)... but there's another floor that i havent really taken into account when trying to understand protag more until now.

presenting the thing that spawned this whole essay:

floor 8. 

when i first played elevator hitch the doppels were just something that inflicted that same feeling of confusion i get when first playing a SIG game, "confusion" as in "lack of information". at first glance it just looks like they took protag and coworker and flipped their personalities, but as i talked with them more my ~writer senses~ were screaming at me. i was fasintated by how their personalities were changed, but what i was able to deduce at the time, which was just them falling into desperation due to isolation, just made them feel...shallow. it was part of it, but none of what i could come up with, nor what i read from other people, felt like it was encapturing the whole picture.

then i played rot in paradise. 

i already wrote an entire essay about the narritive and how much i loved it in the comments of that game, and to summarize the points i made in the conclusion is that SIG games are rarely ever about what's physically there- its about what those things represent. thats why the thing, the "she" thats being refered to in RIP isnt ever explained, because its just a vehicle for what the game is actually about: the narritive.

after i wrote this multi-paragraph comment, i started thinking about this game. elevator hitch, the one i love and will always hold a special place in my heart, and realized the game isn't about the physical horror of being trapped in a death loop.

its about protag.

i realized that what i was missing in understanding the doppels wasn't missingi was thinking that the whole entire purpuse the doppels were there was to enforce the horror of being trapped, but that was only there as a vehicle for protags narritive.

i think the doppels purpuse, specifically antag, is to show more about how protag was raised by his parents. 

realizing this felt like my brain was being rewired. it felt so clear! of course the game is about protag! he's litterally the protaganist! this made me think about other things i was confused about while playing this game- what does the raidioactive room represent? why is the answer to the test in there? is the floor connected to the fake cubeicule where you get the cake? if so how???

the reason RIP resonated with me so much is that i knew people like june's friends, i had a best friend like vonnie! (even down to the food disorder- like that was kinda dejavu-ish ngl) AND i had someone like carmen- a best friend who was a terrible influence on me. this is what i love about how Rachel and rix write narritives. they write for themselves, for what they've experienced, and in doing so they attract such a loyal and passionate fanbase that feels seen. all because two artists have a passion.

thank you so much for sharing these games, they genuinely leave me feeling chilled and evoke that specific feeling of terror, and you both write stories in a way that i havent found in a long time, and i hope people feel as connected to my stories one day that they feel connected you yours. you both are my inspiration, and i want you to know that these games- and your studio as a whole -has cemented its place in my heart, and will always be special to me.

thank you. <3

After putting the rat in the hole, it froze my game. I think it's the rat's revenge or something.

estou muito triste porque estou rodando esse jogo no celular mas NO EMULADOR NÃO TEM FN, e mesmo se tivesse, acho que não teria como prssionar duas teclas ao mesmo tempo no emulador... :(


heyy im playing on windows and it wont let me move the camera up and down (fn + up or down) someone help??


eeeh i mixed up my review and my comment..! Anyway, it's one of the most memorable game I've ever played, this was so unique and impactful, bravo!

i think im stuck bc the elevator from the beggining of the game doesnt turn into a clickable thing?? hel

it still doesnt work, ive restarted the game and even reinstalled it :(((

(1 edit)

to start interacting with a wall/room, you need to press z :) things will then be clickable

im lidewally shardding rait nau gud game dud


Hii i tried to open the game but the window is like zoomed in, i tried to full screen the game but it doesnt fix the issue,can anyone help me? :( also when I start the game the screen glitches and moves

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